Chart Configuration
This guide explains the options for configuring chart widgets. Charts are included in Mendix app templates based on Atlas UI. They can be included in other Mendix apps by downloading them from the Mendix Marketplace. For more documentation, see Charts in the Marketplace Guide.
This guide covers the following widgets:
- Area chart
- Bar chart
- Bubble chart
- Column chart
- Heat map
- Line chart
- Pie chart
- Time series
- Note that some apps may have two Time series widgets. This document refers to the one with this icon:
- Note that some apps may have two Time series widgets. This document refers to the one with this icon:
The configuration of Any chart widgets is in another document, here: Any Chart Widgets.
Common configuration
The common configuration for all charts is described here. For chart specific configuration see Configuration by Chart Type, below.
Chart properties

Add series and configure their properties, each series represents a dataset. For example a line on a line chart.
The Pie Charts and Heat Maps support only a single series containing a single set of data
In this case, the Data source and Data points are shown as separate tabs in the widget.
The fields are the same as the ones described in the sections Data source and Data points, below.
Charts which support multiple series of data, like a line chart with multiple lines, support more than one series of data
In this case, new series can be added by clicking the Series > New button in the Chart properties tab.
From version 1.4 of charts you can create charts with a variable number of data series. For instructions on how to do this, see How to Create a Dynamic Series Chart.
The data for each series can originate from a different data source. You can add additional data series in the Chart properties tab.
- Static/Dynamic: Choose whether there is a fixed number of data series (lines, for example), or whether the number of data series is variable and will be decided by the app.
- Entity: The entity from which the data values will be retrieved
- Data source: the data source type for the series: Database, Microflow or REST endpoint
- REST URL: Relative or full URL to REST endpoint. For more information on setting up a REST endpoint see REST Charts
- XPath constraint: The constraint on the data from the entity (used when the data source is Database)
- Microflow: A microflow that returns a list object with data values
The attribute(s) within the data source used for the values to be plotted.
- X-axis data attribute: For data source Database attributes over reference are supported with a maximum of one level deep. For data source Microflow, references are not supported
- Y-axis data attribute: For data source Database attributes over reference are supported with a maximum of one level deep. For data source Microflow references are not supported
- X-axis sort attribute: For data source Database attributes over reference are supported with a maximum of one level deep. For data source Microflow references are not supported
- Sort order: The sort-order of the data provided by the “X-axis sort attribute”
- Aggregation type: What to do if there are two y values in this series for one x value (for example if there are two data points in one series: (2,3), and (2,4)) – most of the options are self-explanatory, examples are:
- Sum: plot the sum of the two values – (2,7) for the example above
- Average: plot the mean of the two values (2,3.5)
- None: plot just the first data point (2,3)
The appearance of the series. This is customized for each type of chart, see: 3 Configuration per chart type, below.
Static Series
Additional configuration for the appearance of the series if it is a static series. This is customized for each type of chart, see: 3 Configuration per chart type, below.
Dynamic Series
Configuration of the series if it is a dynamic series.
Series entity: the entity which defines a series – the list of objects of this entity type will be used to construct the series; one series for each object.
Each entity is associated with the values which will be plotted, see How to Create a Dynamic Series Chart for more information.
Series name attribute: the attribute in the series entity which will be displayed as the series name if a legend is displayed
Color attribute: the attribute in the series entity which defines the HTML color used when displayed this series – *there may be more than one color attribute if the chart allows different values (for example an area chart has separate line and fill colors)
Series sort attribute: allows you to sort the series by an attribute of the series entity – this is not supported for non-persistable entities, such as those used when defining a REST datasource
Series sort order: Ascending or Descending
The events to be supported if the user interacts with the chart.
The context of the page, microflow, or nanoflow selected for an event or tooltip will be the plotted object from which the point on the chart is drawn. This means you can display or use the x and y values, and any other values stored in that object.
For example you could use the tooltip to display the precise y value of a point, plus information on when the data was collected-
On click: Select the way a click of a data point should be handled:
- Do nothing
- Show a page
- Call a microflow
- Call a nanoflow
Configure the corresponding setting.
On click page: The page that will be opened on click. Required when the On click > Show a page option is selected
Open page as: Full page, Popup or Blocking popup
On click microflow: The microflow that will be executed on click
On click nanoflow: The nanoflow that will be executed on click
Tooltip form: The page to show when a user hovers over a chart plot point
- Options: The Plotly series options in JSON format; these options will only be used when the widget tab Advanced > Mode is set to Advanced or Developer: see Advanced, below.
The Appearance settings are used to set the size of the chart on the page.

Width unit: The type of unit which is used for the Width property - Percentage or Pixels
Width: The width of the chart in pixels or percentage based on the Width unit setting
Height unit: The type of unit which is used for the Height property
- Percentage of width: sets the aspect ratio
- Pixels: is an absolute height
- Percentage of parent: sets the height in relation to a container in which the widget is placed
When using Percentage of parent the parent container must have an absolute height, else nothing is displayed. -
Height: The height in pixels or percentage based on the setting of Height unit
Add parameters to a REST request (see Data source). The contextId, and series name are provided by default.

The charts are based on the popular framework plotly.js which uses JSON to configure the charts. In the advanced and developer mode, you can specify additional JSON: unlocking the many features of plotly.js. You can also do this with a live preview.
See the following link for more information about plotly.js and the options:

Mode: You can use these charts in three different modes:
- Basic: quickly set up a chart with the various widget options
- Advanced: specify additional JSON configuration
- Developer: this will add a Toggle Editor button to the chart at runtime which toggles an editor to play with different advanced configuration options
Layout options: The JSON containing the Plotly layout options
Configuration options: The JSON containing the Plotly configuration options
These are properties which are common to many widgets. For information see Properties Common in the Page Editor.
Configuration by Chart Type
The properties above are common across the chart types. In this section, the properties described are specific to the chart type.
Column Chart
Series New or Edit
Static series Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
- Column color: HTML color of the column, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
Line Chart
Series New or Edit
Appearance Tab
- Line mode: Lines (without showing markers where the data points are) or Lines with markers
- Line style: join the data points with a Straight line or a Curved line (spline)
Static series Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
- Line color: HTML color of the line, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
Pie Chart
Chart properties
- Chart type: The type of pie chart to use, either pie or doughnut
- Show legend: Displays a legend on the pie chart
- Colors: Contains the color of each slice, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
- Refresh interval (ms): Refresh the chart in intervals of milliseconds, when set to 0 refresh is disabled
Area Chart
Series New or Edit
Data source Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
Appearance Tab
- Border: No, Yes, Yes with markers
- Border style: Straight, Curved
Static series Tab
- Border color: HTML color of the border, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
- Area color: HTML color of the area within the border, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5). Default is the border color with transparency
Bar Chart
Series New or Edit
Static series Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
- Bar color: HTML color of the bar, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
Time Series Chart
Series New or Edit
Appearance Tab
- Border: No, Yes, Yes with markers
- Border style: Straight, Curved
- Fill area: Fill area between data points and X-axis: Yes, No
Static series Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
- Line color: HTML color of the line, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
- Area color: HTML color of the area within the border, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5). Default is the line color with transparency
Heat Map
- Colors: The percentage at which each color should be applied, together with the associated color. At least two values must be specified, otherwise the default colors are used
- Show scale: Display scale on the chart: Yes , No
- Show values: Display data values on the chart: Yes , No
- Font value color: HTML color of the values displayed on the heat map, for example, green, #00FF00, rgb(0,255,0), rgba(0,255,0, 0.5)
- X-axis label: Label to be displayed on the X-axis
- Y-axis label: Label to be displayed on the Y-axis
- Smooth color: Gradual color gradient between data points: Yes , No
Bubble Chart
Series New or Edit
Static series Tab
- Series name: this will be displayed in any legend on the chart
- Serie color[sic]: Color of the bubbles e.g green,#00FF00, rgb(2,255,0)
Chart Theming
Advanced JSON settings can also be added in a global context via the theme folder of your Mendix app root directory.
To the theme folder, add a .json file named com.mendix.charts. The JSON should be in the following format:
"layout": {
// Add shared layout options here (for all charts)
"configuration": {
// Add shared configuration options here (for all charts)
"charts": {
"LineChart": {
"layout": {
// Add line chart only layout options here
"data": {
// Add line chart only data options here
"configuration": {
// Add line chart only configuration options here
"AreaChart": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"BubbleChart": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"TimeSeries": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"ColumnChart": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"BarChart": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"PieChart": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
"HeatMap": {
// Same arrangement as the line chart
Only the advanced configurations set up in the widget itself have a higher precedence.
Strict CSP Compatibility
This widget is not yet fully compliant with strict content security policy (CSP). If used with strict CSP, it will result in CSP errors in the console and potentially broken flows in the widget.