Complete Task
The Complete task activity can be used to define which outcome the user task should follow.

An example of complete task properties is represented in the image below:

There are two sets of properties for this activity, those in the dialog box on the left, and those in the properties pane on the right.
The Complete task properties pane consists of the following sections:
Action Section
The Action section of the properties pane shows the action associated with this activity.
You can open a dialog box to configure this action by clicking the ellipsis (…) next to the action.
You can also open the dialog box by double-clicking the activity in the microflow or right-clicking the activity and selecting Properties.
User Task Object
The user task object of the System.WorkflowUserTask entity available from the microflow parameters.
User Task
The user task for which you want to set an outcome.
Gives you a list of available outcomes for the selected user task. The user task will follow the selected outcome. If there is only one outcome available, the value is set to Default and is not editable.