Export App Package
You can export an app package (.mpk) from Mendix Studio Pro for backup purposes or to share it with other Mendix developers. This is useful if you want to give someone the entire app, or if you need to provide a test app when submitting a ticket.
App packages can be imported again into a new app using the Import App Package.
To export the package, open the File menu > Export App Package and select the relevant options in the Export App Package dialog box:

For more information on what options you can select, see the sections below.
Package Type
When you have access to publishing add-on modules and solutions, you can select to export you app as the Solution or Source Package.

The access can be gained through the Mendix Partner Program.
Solution Package
Choose this type of package if you develop your app as a solution and it has certain documents/elements hidden from consumers. Your app will be exported as a .mxsolution file; add-on and solution modules will be converted to the .mxmodule format during export. For more information on add-on and solution modules, see Configuring Add-on and Solution Modules for Publishing.
Source Package
A source package is used to distribute your app in the source format (i.e. all content is distributed with source code, which allows documents/elements to be changed on the consumer side). Your app is exported in the .mpk format.
You can specify the folder to export the package to. The default location is a folder named packages inside the app directory.
Export Data
Mendix app packages can be exported to a Mendix package file (.mpk). You can choose to export the built-in deployment database and uploaded files as well, or export with no data. You can choose one of the following options:
No data – the package will be exported without data.
Existing snapshot – this option will include the existing database snapshot in the export app package
This option is only available when a snapshot has already been created. If necessary, you can create a snapshot via Version Control > Add Snapshot of Data. -
New snapshot from current database – will create a new snapshot from the database and include it in the export
This option is available after you run the app locally at least once, because a local database will be created when running the app for the first time.