Java Version Migration

Last modified: August 20, 2024


Mendix applications run in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The version of Java can influence the behavior of an application. It is important to know how application behavior can change when you migrate an application to a higher Java version. This page shows known implications of Java version migrations.

New information will be added to this page as it is reported. Feel free to update it yourself, or raise an issue if you identify a change in behavior.

From Java 11 to 17

The following changes in behavior have been noticed when migrating from Java version 11 to Java version 17.

Changes in Date Formatting When Locale Is Dutch

Locale data was updated in Java version 13 in such a way that date formatting microflow expressions have changed what they produce when the locale is Dutch and no format argument is given.

Dutch, Belgium (nl_BE)

Microflow expression Output under Java 11 Output under Java 17
formatDate(dateTime(2006, 5, 4)) 4/05/06 4/05/2006
formatDateTime(dateTime(2006, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)) 4/05/06 03:02 4/05/2006 03:02

Dutch, Netherlands (nl_NL)

Microflow expression Output under Java 11 Output under Java 17
formatDate(dateTime(2006, 5, 4)) 04-05-06 04-05-2006
formatDateTime(dateTime(2006, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)) 04-05-06 03:02 04-05-2006 03:02

From Java 11 or 17 to 21

The following changes in behavior have been noticed when migrating from Java version 11 or 17 to Java version 21.

Changes in Date Formatting

Locale data updates in Java version 20 mean that date formatting microflow expressions return a different result when the format string contains AM or PM.

In Java versions below 20, a space would be included before the AM/PM, but now it will be a Unicode non-breaking space (NBSP or NNBSP, \u202f). In a microflow expression, this non-breaking space can be included in a string using urlDecode('%E2%80%AF')—for example '8:24' + urlDecode('%E2%80%AF') + 'AM'.