Migrate From Atlas 2 To Atlas 3
Atlas 3 brings a new degree of power and sophistication to styling in Mendix. To upgrade from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3, see the Upgrade from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3 section below. To view a high-level summary of the changes Atlas 3 brings to Mendix, see the Atlas 3 Change Summary Reference Guide.
To upgrade from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3, you must complete the Upgrading from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3 section below. If you have NOT added custom styling into your Atlas, completing these subsections is all you need to do:
- Upgrading Your Theme Directory
- Migrating Your UI Content
- Migrating Your Web Styling
- Migrating Your Native Styling
- Migrating Custom Defined Design Properties
The sections after the upgrade instructions reference known issues and some troubleshooting issues that may occur when upgrading to Atlas 3. You will probably only need to consult them if you introduced custom styling into your Atlas:
- Expected Issues After Upgrading to Atlas 3
- Edge Case Issues After Upgrading to Atlas 3
- Troubleshooting Common Atlas Problems
Upgrading from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3
Before upgrading, please note that in Atlas 3 all hybrid content is removed because hybrid profiles are deprecated in Mendix 9. If your app requires hybrid content, Mendix recommends not upgrading to Atlas 3 unless you have created all your own hybrid content separate from Atlas’.
Before you start the upgrade process, it may help if you consult the folder structure changes introduced in Atlas 3 by reading the File and Folder Structure section of How to Customize Styling.
Upgrading Your Theme Directory
To upgrade your theme directory to Atlas 3 specifications, please complete the following steps:
Rename you Atlas 2 theme directory. Mendix suggests naming it theme_atlas2:
Download the Atlas 3 theme.zip and extract it into the root of your Mendix app folder. The folder structure should look similar to the example below. Mendix app root, then theme, then web and native:
Migrating UI Content
Atlas 3 distributes the UI content previously found in the Atlas_UI_Resources, in 3 separate modules: Atlas Core, Atlas Web Content and Atlas Native Content.
- Atlas Core - Contains Atlas core styling and layouts
- Atlas Web Content - Contains Atlas’s web page templates and building blocks
- Atlas Native Content - Contains Atlas’s native page templates and building blocks
Upgrading Atlas UI Resources to Atlas Core
If you have modified any of the Atlas UI content found in Atlas UI Resources (for example building blocks, page templates, or layouts) it is recommended to move the UI content you have modified to another user defined module within your app. Skip this step if you have not modified any of Atlas UI’s content.
Rename the Atlas_UI_Resources module to Atlas_Core in Studio Pro by right-clicking the module then clicking Rename:
Download Atlas Core from the Marketplace and replace the existing Atlas_UI_Resources renamed to Atlas_Core:
Adding Atlas Web Content to Your App
Download Atlas Web Content from Marketplace
Atlas Web Content will appear as a new module inside Marketplace Modules
Adding Atlas Native Content to Your App
Download Atlas Native Content from Marketplace:
Atlas Native Content will appear as a new module inside Marketplace Modules:
Migrating Your Web Styling
Modifications to the Atlas 2 web theme include the following:
- Changes to custom variables
- Adding your own custom styling
- Changes to design properties
- Changes to Login.html and index.html
If you have made any of the modifications above, please follow the steps below. The steps have been divided into 5 sections:
- Web Custom Variables
- Web Custom Styling
- Web Additional Custom Styling
- Web Design Properties
- Web Resources
Web Custom Variables
This section concerns modifications you have made to the custom-variables.scss file of your Atlas 2 theme:
To move your custom variable modifications to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 — If the custom variables apply to the app level, then the modifications should be moved into the custom-variables SCSS file of the Atlas 3 theme directory:
Option 2 — If you want to extract the variables into a reusable module, move them into the custom-variables SCSS file of a module you have created in the themesource directory:
Web Custom Styling
This section concerns modifications you have made to the custom SCSS file of your Atlas 2 theme:
To move your custom styling modifications to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 — If the custom styling apply to the app level, then the modifications should be moved into the main SCSS file of the Atlas 3 theme directory:
Option 2 — If you want to extract the custom styling into a reusable module, move them into the main SCSS file of a module you have created in the themesource directory:
Web Additional Custom Styling
This section concerns modifications you have made to the app folder of your Atlas 2 theme and any additional SCSS stylesheets that you might have added:
To move you additional stylesheets that you have added here to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 — If the additional stylesheets apply to the app level, these changes should be moved into the web directory of the Atlas 3 theme:
Remember to include @import <file name>
in theme/web/main.scss to include your additional files in the compilation of the SCSS.
Option 2 — If you want to extract the additional stylesheets into a reusable module, move them to a module you have created in themesource:
Remember to include @import<file name>
in themesource/your-module/web/main.scss to include your additional files in the compilation of the SCSS.
Web Design Properties
This section concerns modifications you have made to the settings.json file of your Atlas 2 theme:
Custom design properties that you have added to settings.json need to be moved into the web’s design-property JSON file of a module you have created in the themesource directory:
Do not add to the modules Atlas Core or Atlas Web Content.
If you have user-defined design properties for platform-supported or community-supported widgets, follow the two scenarios below.
Web Resources
This section concerns modifications you have made to documents login.html and index.html, as well as additional static resources like font libraries, images, and more.
Any custom index.html or login.html pages that you have created in your Atlas 2 theme need to be moved to the web directory of the Atlas 3 theme:
The same applies to additional HTML documents that you may have created.
Additional static resources such as images or font libraries need to be moved to the resources directory of web in the Atlas 3 theme:
Migrating Your Native Styling
This section can be skipped if you have not made any modifications to the native section of your Atlas 2 theme and you can continue to the section migrating your UI content.
Modifications to the Atlas 2 theme include the following:
- Changes to custom variables
- Adding of additional custom styling
- Changes to design properties
If you have made any of the above modifications, please follow the following steps below. The steps have been divided into 4 sections:
- Native Custom Variables
- Native Custom Styling
- Native Additional Custom Styling
- Native Design Properties
Native Custom Variables
This section concerns modifications you have made to the custom-variables js file of your Atlas 2 theme.
To move your custom variable modifications to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 - If the custom variables apply to the app level, then the modifications should be moved into the custom-variables scss file of the Atlas 3 theme directory.
Option 2 - If you want to extract the variables into a reusable module, move them into the custom-variables scss file of a module you have created in the themesource directory.
Native Custom Styling
This section concerns modifications you have made to the custom js file of your Atlas 2 theme.
To move your custom styling modifications to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 - If the custom styling apply to the app level, then the modifications should be moved into the main js file of the Atlas 3 theme directory.
Option 2 - If you want to extract the custom styling into a reusable module, move them into the main js file of a module you have created in the themesource directory.
Native Additional Custom Styling
This section concerns modifications you have made to the app folder of your Atlas 2 theme and any additional js stylesheets that you might have added.
To move you additional stylesheets that you have added here to Atlas 3, there are two options:
Option 1 - If the additional stylesheets apply to the app level, these changes should be moved into the web directory of the Atlas 3 theme.
Remember to import the file using JavaScript’s import
syntax in theme/native/main.js and export the variable exposed by the imported file.
Option 2 - If you want to extract the additional stylesheets into a reusable module, move them to a module you have created in themesource.
Remember to import the file using JavaScript’s import
syntax in themesource/your-module/native/main.js and export the variable exposed by the imported file.
Native Design Properties
This section concerns modifications you have made to the settings-native.json file of your Atlas 2 theme.
Custom design properties that you have added to settings-native.json, need to be moved into the native’s design-property json file of a module you have created in the themesource directory.
Do not add to the modules Atlas Core or Atlas Native Content.
If you have custom-defined design properties for platform-supported or community-supported widgets, see the Migrating Custom Defined Design Properties section below.
Migrating Custom Defined Design Properties
Adding Design Properties for Platform-Supported Widgets
If you have extended one or more platform supported widgets with your own design property similar to the following example.
You have extended the container widget with a design property border to add a border to an instance of the container. Note that for design properties the Element
name is called DivContainer
"pageTemplates": "WebModeler",
"cssFiles": ["styles/web/css/main.css"],
"designProperties": {
"DivContainer": [
"name": "Align content",
"type": "Dropdown",
"description": "Align content of this element left, right or center it. Align elements inside the container as a row or as a column.",
"options": [
"name": "Left align as a row",
"oldNames": ["Left align as row"],
"class": "row-left"
"name": "Center align as a row",
"oldNames": ["Center align as row"],
"class": "row-center"
"name": "Right align as a row",
"oldNames": ["Right align as row"],
"class": "row-right"
"name": "Border", // custom design property targeting the platform's DivContainer
"type": "Toggle",
"description": "Add a border.",
"class": "div-container-border"
In the example above we have two design properties: align content and border. Align content is an Atlas 3 defined design property, while border is a custom-defined design property. To avoid conflicts with the Atlas 3 defined design properties, its recommended to export only your custom-defined design properties to the web’s design-property json file of a module you have created in the themesource directory. Resulting in something similar to the below example.
"DivContainer": [
"name": "Border",
"type": "Toggle",
"description": "Add a border.",
"class": "div-container-border"
Adding Design Properties for Community-Supported Widgets
If you have defined your own design property for a community-supported widget in your app, similar to the following example, follow these steps.
You have added a design property “Opacity”
for MyCustomWidget, in Atlas 2. As shown below in the settings.json file.
"pageTemplates": "WebModeler",
"cssFiles": ["styles/web/css/main.css"],
"designProperties": {
"MyCustomWidget": [
"name": "Opacity",
"type": "Dropdown",
"description": "Emphasize the visual-importance via opacity.",
"options": [
"name": "Light",
"class": "opacity-light"
"name": "Normal",
"class": "opacity-normal"
As this is a custom-defined design property, this needs to be added to the web’s design-property json file of a module you have created in the themesource directory. Resulting in something similar to the below example.
"MyCustomWidget": [
"name": "Opacity",
"type": "Dropdown",
"description": "Emphasize the visual-importance via opacity.",
"options": [
"name": "Light",
"class": "opacity-light"
"name": "Normal",
"class": "opacity-normal"
Merging Options for Design Properties
Design property options can also be merged across themesource modules. For more information see the Extending or Overriding Design Properties of Other Modules section of the Design Properties API Documentation.
Expected Issues After Upgrading to Atlas 3
When you have completed the sections above, you may have errors in your error list:
For errors relating to renamed design properties, right-click a related error and click Updated all renamed design properties in project:
For errors about the Phone or Tablet navigation profile no longer existing, right-click the error and select Go to which will navigate you to the widget that points to a missing Phone or Tablet profile — use one of these methods to solve the error:
- Delete the layout
- Delete the widget in the layout
- Add the Phone web or Tablet web navigation profile to your Mendix application
- In the widget’s properties pane change the Profile to an already existed profile, like Responsive web
Note that navigation profiles have changed in Mendix 9. See the Mendix 9 Release Notes for more information.
If you are using Hybrid phone profiles, please make sure you change them to their equivalent web profiles by clicking Change profile type in your navigation profile:
- Hybrid tablet app offline → Tablet web offline
- Hybrid tablet app online → Tablet web
- Hybrid phone app offline → Phone web offline
- Hybrid phone app online → Phone web
If you are using Badge, Progress Circle, Progress Bar, or Maps widgets, please make sure you update the definitions of the widgets and reconfigure following the new properties added for each widget:
If you have Design property X is not supported by your theme errors, it either means a design property has been removed in Atlas 3 or you need to add your own design properties to the new file structure as instructed in the migrating custom defined design properties section above. To suppress the error, right-click the error, then select Remove property. To check how to extend your design properties, please follow How to Extend Design Properties.
If you have errors saying Unknown option X for design property, it means the design property option has been removed in Atlas 3. Use one of the following methods to solve the error:
- Set the design property to its default option: right-click the error, then select Set property X to default
- Search for the design property option’s CSS class in theme_atlas2/settings.json for web and theme_atlas2/settings-native.json for native, then add it to the applicable widget’s style property
If you have errors saying Nanoflow commons/Native mobile resources are not compatible get the new major versions from Marketplace.
If you have errors saying “CE9500: This feedback widget has an invalid App ID. Right-click this error to update the App ID of all feedback widgets.” your app has online services enabled and is using one or more feedback widgets. However, the app ID configuration property of at least one of them has become invalid due to the configuration revert mentioned above. To update the app IDs of all your feedback widgets to your app’s correct app ID, right-click the error and select Update the App ID of all feedback widgets. Note that this will update all of your feedback widgets. Alternatively, inspecting individual errors will lead you to the individual, erring widgets if you want to deal with them one by one.
Edge Case Issues After Upgrading to Atlas 3
In Mendix 9 the Hybrid profile is deprecated. In Atlas 3 all hybrid content is removed. When upgrading from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3, you may have errors about pages used as the default home page for a hybrid profile which no longer exists:

To fix this, right-click the error then select Go to Navigation profile ‘HybridPhone’ and change the default home page:

Troubleshooting Common Atlas Problems
To troubleshoot common Atlas problems, do the following:
- If you have Layout X no longer exists errors, right-click the error then go to the page on which the error occurs. In the page’s properties, select a new, appropriate layout.
- If you have The selected image X no longer exists errors, right-click the error and go to the page on which it occurs and choose a new image. Depending on your app you may want to download the Atlas_NativeMobile_Content module and use an image from the module.
- If you have The selected placeholder X no longer exists errors, right-click the error and go to the page on which it occurs, thereafter you have alternative options to correct the error:
- Adjust the layout the page uses to include a placeholder with matching name.
- On the page, move the content out of the placeholder.