Release date: February 18th, 2025
Release date: January 22nd, 2025
Release date: December 17th, 2024
Release date: November 25th, 2024
Release date: October 23rd, 2024
Release date: September 18th, 2024
Release date: August 22nd, 2024
Release date: July 16th, 2024
Release date: June 20th, 2024
Release date: May 28th, 2024
Release date: April 24th, 2024
Release date: March 21st, 2024
Release date: February 22nd, 2024
Release date: January 23, 2024
Release date: December 14, 2023
Release date: November 22, 2023
Release date: October 26, 2023
Release date: September 20, 2023
Release date: August 23, 2023
Release date: July 19, 2023
Release date: June 19, 2023
Release date: May 25, 2023
- We added support for Mendix 10.0.0 Beta 2.
- We added support for Mendix Metamodel 10.0.0 Beta 2.
Release date: April 24, 2023
- We added support for Mendix 10.0.0 Beta 1.
- We added support for Mendix Metamodel 10.0.0 Beta 1.
Release date: March 20, 2023
Release date: February 21, 2023
Release date: January 25, 2023
Release date: December 13, 2022
Release date: November 18, 2022
Release date: October 19, 2022
Release date: September 19, 2022
Release date: August 19, 2022
Release date: July 18, 2022
Release date: June 22, 2022
Release date: May 20, 2022
Release date: April 20, 2022
Release date: March 21, 2022
Release date: February 16, 2022
Release date: January 14, 2022
Release date: December 7, 2021
Release date: November 25, 2021
Release date: October 18, 2021
Release date: September 17, 2021
- We added support for Mendix 9.6.0.
- We added support for Mendix Metamodel 9.6.0.
- We replaced the
(deprecated) package withGot
Release date: August 23, 2021
Release date: July 20, 2021
- We added support for Mendix 9.4.0.
- We added support for Mendix Metamodel 9.4.0.
- We improved the performance of by-name references.
- We improved the
documentation in the Model SDK. - We removed usage of Node.js’s
Release date: June 16, 2021
Release date: May 17, 2021
Release date: April 21, 2021
Release date: March 26, 2021
Release date: February 16, 2021
- We added support for Mendix 9.0.4.
- We added support for Mendix Metamodel 9.0.4.
Release date: January 15, 2021
Release date: November 23, 2020
Release date: October 20, 2020
Release date: September 21, 2020
Release date: August 19, 2020
Release date: July 21, 2020
Release date: June 30, 2020
Release date: May 26, 2020
Release date: April 30, 2020
Release date: March 27, 2020
Release date: February 25, 2020
Release date: January 29, 2020
Release date: December 13, 2019
Release date: November 29, 2019
- We restored the original behavior of
(for providing the raw response body whenoutFilePath
is empty), which had been changed in 4.26.0.
Release date: November 22, 2019
Release date: October 25, 2019
Release date: September 25, 2019
Release date: August 29, 2019
Release date: July 29, 2019
- We added support for Mendix 8.0.0 GA.
- We added transaction support, which brings the ability to manually
Release date: July 2, 2019
- We added support for Mendix 8.0.0 Beta 3.
- We improved the performance of loading units.
Release date: June 3, 2019
- We added support for Mendix 8.0.0 Beta 2.
Release date: April 26, 2019
- We added support for Mendix 8.0.0 Beta 1.
- We fixed the rename for by-name references that refer to the base class.
Release date: February 8, 2019
- We added support for Mendix 7.23.0.
- It is now possible to perform operations (such as delete working copy) on working copies that have a newer Metamodel version than the one this Model SDK supports. This was not possible before, as we checked the Mendix Metamodel version for every operation. Now, we only check the Mendix Metamodel version when actually opening a working copy.
Release date: December 13, 2018
- We added the ability to use promises instead of callbacks when using the Model SDK. All methods in
as well as theload()
method of model elements now feature promise-based overloads in addition to the original callback-based ones.If you open a working copy using the promise-based methods but you are still using callbacks in other places in your code without passing an error callback (for example, the callback overload of theload()
method of model elements), be sure to register an error handler on the model usingModel.setErrorHandler()
. - We added support for Mendix 7.22.0.
There is a small breaking API change where the property
is now of a different type to accommodate the introduction of a new type of navigation profile. For now, these profiles can be safely casted tonavigation.NavigationProfile
. - We added a lock type parameter to the
Release date: November 30, 2018
- We added new working copy lock type
. - We added support for Mendix 7.21.0.
- We added new working copy lock type
. - We fixed the duplicate processing of events.
- We upgraded to Node.js version 10.
Release date: October 31, 2018
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-1144 | None | Upgraded to TypeScript 3.1. |
MS-1156 | None | Added onEventProcessed hook to AbstractModel. |
MS-1157 | None | Added optional param to deepCopy() so the client can map from the original ID. |
MS-1162 | None | Removed the utils.serializeToJs(unit) method, which has been replaced by JavaScriptSerializer.serializeToJs(unit) . |
MS-1172 | None | Added support for Mendix 7.20.0. |
Release date: October 3, 2018
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-1105 | None | Added support for Mendix 7.19.0. |
MS-1091 | None | Enabled creating a working copy directly from Team Server. |
MS-1083 | None | Added a method to create an element from JSON. |
WMC-1409 | None | Added an Edit-Lock-Id header to importModuleMpk . |
MS-891 | None | Added retries. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-1046 | None | Added support for Mendix 7.18.0. |
MS-1032 | None | Bumped Typescript version to 3.0. |
MS-946 | None | Ensure that the local model is updated correctly when importing a module package. |
MS-1040 | None | Fixed an issue where units did not load when stopping receiving changes. |
MS-947 | None | Process unit creation and deletion when receiving changes. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-1018 | None | We added support for Mendix 7.17. |
Story | Impact | Description |
WMC-1246 | None | Upgraded MobX dependency to v5.0.0. |
MS-918 | None | Added ability to process incoming events from the Model Server. |
MS-937 | None | Upgraded TypeScript dependency to v2.9.1. |
MS-972 | None | Added support for Mendix 7.16.0. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-788 | None | Added delete-structural-unit functionality. |
MS-822 | None | Improved the Model SDK performance. |
MS-886 | None | Removed the Lodash dependency from Model SDK. |
MS-911 | None | Added support for Desktop Modeler version 7.15.0. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-786 | None | Added Import Module feature. |
MS-846 | None | Upgrade to Typescript 2.8.1. |
MS-870 | Low | The Model SDK now requires an ES6 environment to run. |
MS-872 | None | Fixed delta reverser for primitive list property. |
MS-893 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.14.0. |
WMC-955 | None | Parse MxBuild errors in the Model SDK. |
WMC-1165 | None | Expose lockId and duration for edit locks. |
WMC-1105 | None | Upgrade to MobX 4. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-819 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.13.0. |
MS-814 | None | Exported ILockWorkingCopyResponse in the Model SDK. |
MS-802 | None | Added a force option to allow users to set an edit lock with one API call. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-669 | None | Added new working copy lock type edit. |
MS-726 | None | Added support for Desktop Modeler version 7.12.0. |
MS-708 | None | Upgraded to TypeScript version 2.7.1. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-678 | None | Upgraded npm dependencies to latest versions. |
MS-674 | Low | Added support for Modeler version 7.11.0. |
MS-464 | Medium | For models created in Mendix 7.11.0 and above, all the properties that used to refer to entities and attributes using a string value have been replaced by properties that use the newly introduced types domainmodels.EntityRef and domainmodels.AttributeRef . An example is property pages.MemberWidget.attributePath , which has been replaced by the new property attributeRef from 7.11.0 onwards. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-628 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.10.0. |
MS-621 | None | Fixed the error message from element.containerAs* when the container type is not correct. |
MS-628 | None | Introduced a new document type called Nanoflow and a new base class called ServerSideMicroflow , from which Microflow and Rule now both inherit. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-461 | None | Made the EntityType.entity and EnumerationType.enumeration properties in the new DataType Metamodel public, so that they can be read without loading the model unit that contains the DataType instance. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-461 | Medium | Defined the new Metamodel for DataType. From Mendix 7.9.0 onwards, the new properties of the DataType type should be used instead of the old properties of the String type. |
MS-328 | None | Defined the new Metamodel for microflow expressions (experimental). |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-508 | None | Allow detaching elements contained by a required part property. An error is thrown if the required property is still empty after the current (synchronous) action. |
MS-433 | None | Added the exportModuleMpk method to allow users to export an .mpk file for a specific module in the working copy. |
MS-477 | None | Experimental classes and properties are now marked as such in the TypeScript documentation. |
MS-519 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.8.0. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-471 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.7.0. |
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-317 | Medium | Removed projectId from IWorkingCopy , as it was never set. Use IWorkingCopy.metaData.projectId instead. |
MS-377 | Medium | Added optional locktype parameter to the lockWorkingCopy method. |
MS-359 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.6.0. |
MS-352 | Low | Fixed the initialization of default values. |
The code snippet below is an example of what was broken in MS-352. The default value of layoutCall
should be null
, but it used to be (incorrectly) set to a new instance of LayoutCall
. This is no longer the case, and it can be fixed by initializing layout.layoutCall
to a new LayoutCall
instance before assigning the layout
const layout = pages.Layout.createIn(this.module);
layout.layoutCall.layout = this.masterLayout;
Story | Impact | Description |
MS-287 | Low | From now on, we disallow deleting detached elements. Either delete the element directly, or re-attach it before deleting it. |
1196423 | None | We added a filterUnitsByCustomWidgetId API to enable trusted back ends to find units containing a specific custom widget type. |
1197518 | None | It is now possible to specify the workingCopyId instead of getting a randomly generated one when creating a new working copy. This feature can only be used by trusted back ends. |
MS-216 | None | We removed the getEditorData internal API. |
MS-296 | None | We added support for Modeler versions 7.4.0 and 7.5.0. |
Story | Impact | Description |
1085587 | Breaking | Moving elements now has to be done though the detach() function. For a full description of all the states and their meanings, see the Element States section of Changing Things in the Model. This does not affect reading models and elements. |
1085587 | Breaking | Creating, deleting, and changing elements is restricted by their state. For a full description of all the states and their meanings, see Element States section of Changing Things in the Model. This does not affect reading models and elements. |
1031416 | Breaking | The qualifiedName property for an element that is not attached to the model now returns undefined . |
1052744 | Breaking | Elements that have no name property (like DomainModel ) no longer have a qualifiedName property. |
1031416 | Breaking | When assigning an element to a by-name reference (list) property, the element must have a valid qualified name first. This means that the element itself and any named containers should have a valid name. |
1085587 | Breaking | The following methods have been removed from the interface IList<T> : intercept , move , observe , peek . |
1109564 | Breaking | The property typeName that exists on every instance of a structure has been renamed to structureTypeName . All static typeName properties on structure classes are now called structureTypeName as well. (Ticket 49499) |
1116073 | Breaking | Model.closeConnection now no longer calls the (success) callback in addition to the model error handler when an error occurs while sending model changes to the server. Instead, it calls the error callback, or, in case the error callback is not supplied, the model error handler. |
1052744 | Breaking | The behavior of ModelSdkClient.createWorkingCopy has been changed so that it no longer opens the working copy right away. Instead, the specified callback gets passed an IWorkingCopy instance, which can be inspected or used to open the working copy. We have introduced the new method ModelSdkClient.createAndOpenWorkingCopy that mimics the old behavior. |
1052744 | Breaking | We renamed Model.metadata to Model.workingCopy , as that name more accurately reflects its value. |
1052744 | Breaking | We renamed the overload of Structure.load() that does not take a callback to asLoaded() . |
1052744 | Breaking | All the interfaces for elements that are not part of the interface of their model unit have been removed, as these were not used in the SDK and served no further purpose (for example, pages.IWidget and all its derivatives). |
1052744 | Breaking | All the properties in interfaces for elements that are part of the interface of their model unit have become readonly to reflect the semantics of the model unit interfaces. If you want to change the value of such a property, you have to load the element using .load(...) , or you can use .asLoaded() to convert it to the class type if you know that the element is already loaded. |
1189165 | Breaking | The method Structure.deepCopyInto has been removed. A new method Element.deepCopy has been added. |
1052744 | Breaking | The interface IDimension has been removed, as it was never used. |
1052744 | Breaking | We renamed the class IEnum to AbstractEnum . |
1052744 | Breaking | We removed setters for properties of the type IList . These setters were not really useful, as they required an argument of the type IList . |
1052744 | Breaking | Specifying an error callback for Model.getAppEnvironmentStatus , Model.getAppUpdateStatus and Model.startAppUpdate is now required. The model error handler will no longer be used. |
1186227 | Breaking | The interface IDelta is no longer exposed and has been replaced by the type Delta , which is a union type of all the possible delta types. |
1031525 | Low | We changed the return type of Model.findModuleByQualifiedName to projects.IModule . |
1031525 | Low | Structure.container is now a read-only property. |
1031525 | None | Structure.container is now an observable property. |
1052744 | None | We changed the return type of validateSyntax to string | null . |
1052744 | None | Assigning a false value such as undefined to a property now results in the property value actually becoming null instead. |
1026781 | None | We replaced Restler with Request. |
1126173 | None | Added support for Modeler version 7.3.0. |