Platform SDK

Last modified: June 6, 2024

These are the Mendix Platform SDK release notes, including all minor versions and patches.


Release date: May 13, 2024

  • Change the default repository type from svn to git.
  • Deprecate templateDownloadURL field in the app creation options.
  • Remove unnecessary dependency @types/eventsource.


Release date: March 11, 2022

  • It is no longer mandatory to include the branches/ prefix for SVN branch names that are not trunk.


Release date: February 23, 2022

  • With this new version, you can use new public APIs and support apps with a Git repository.


Release date: June 11, 2019

  • We fixed the incorrect return type for the createNewApp method. We downgraded the rest dependency to 1.3.2 to always return a When.js promise (instead of a regular ES6 promise).


Release date: December 17, 2018

  • We introduced PlatformSdkClient.deleteApp(), which allows users to delete an app from the Mendix Platform.
  • We made loadAsPromise() compatible with the Model SDK version 4.18.0.
  • The Platform SDK now requires an ES6 environment to run.
  • We upgraded the dependencies.
  • We upgraded the typings to TypeScript 3.


  • The minimum Model SDK dependency has been set to 4.0.0.
  • We fixed the breaking changes caused by the upgrade to Model SDK 4.0.0.
  • The parameter revision is now optional for createOnlineWorkingCopy.


  • Minimum Model SDK dependency set to 3.3.0
  • We upgraded TypeScript dependency to version 2.2
  • We added optional templateUUID parameter to the createNewApp function


  • The only change in this release is a dependency on Mendix Model SDK 2.0.0. The major version number change is because there is a breaking API change in the Model SDK 2.0.0.


  • Minimum Model SDK dependency has been set to 1.0.2.
  • We now rely on Model SDK default Model API endpoint instead of setting it explicitly.


  • We upgraded a peer dependency on Mendix Model SDK to 1.0.0 so 1.0.1 and later are supported.