Archive Stories
Every time you complete a Sprint, all the stories that are Done are archived automatically. You can also archive a story and a swimlane manually by doing the following:
- Click More Options () on the upper-right corner of a story card or the swimlane on the Board page and then select Archive.
- Click More Options () at the end of a row on the Planning page and then select Archive.
All the archived stories are moved to the Archived page.
Archived Stories
The Archive page shows all the archived stories.
You can see the following details for an archived story:
- Unique story ID – Clicking this shows the story details.
- Story title – Clicking this shows the story details.
- Which Sprint the story belongs to – Clicking this shows the archived Sprint details.
- Linked epic – Clicking this shows the epic details.
- Archive date and time – Clicking this shows the story details.
If a feedback item was linked to your archived story, you will see it with a purple icon:

On the top of the page, you can search a story in the search box, based on story title, tags, epic name, and story ID.
You can click Export to Excel on the upper-right corner of the page to export all the archived stories to an Excel file.
Archived Sprint Details
When you click the Sprint name in a row of an archived story on the Archived page, you can see the following details of this Sprint:
- Sprint name
- When the Sprint was archived
- When the Sprint started and ended
- Summary of the Sprint
- How many stories were completed
- How many stories were uncompleted
- Breakdown of completed points
- Sprint goal
- Whether the Sprint goal was reached
- Who archived the Sprint (shown under Archived by)
- Stories that were completed (shown under Completed Stories)
- Stories that were not completed (shown under Incomplete Stories)
Exporting Archived Stories
On the upper-right corner of the Archive page, you can find the Export to Excel button. This allows you to export all the archived stories to an Excel file.
To export archived stories, perform these steps:
- Click Export to Excel. The Excel Export dialog box opens.
- Click Export to Excel to download the exported data.
- Go to the folder where your downloaded files are stored, and open the Excel file. You can see the following columns in the Excel file:
- Depth – + refers to a story, and ++ refers for a task. A task is right below the story to which it belongs.
- UUID – This is a universally unique identifier automatically generated for the story.
- Story id – This is the unique ID of the story in Epics.
- Title – This is the title of the story.
- Assigned to – This shows the person to whom the story was assigned.
- Archived by – This shows the person who archived the story.
- Description – This is the description of the story.
- Story type – This specifies whether the story is a Feature or Bug.
- Story points – This shows the story points.
- Epic id – This is the unique ID of the epic to which the story is linked in Epics.
- Tags – This shows the tags for the story.
- Archived date – This shows the date when the Sprint was archived.
- Sprint name – This shows the name of the Sprint to which the story belongs.
- Sprint start – This shows when the Sprint started.
- Sprint end – This shows when the Sprint ended.