Create Automated Tests with TestNG

Last modified: August 27, 2024


Automated tests can be created with different tools, depending on the type of tests. Integration tests can be created with SoapUI, unit tests with the Unit Testing module, and UI tests with Selenium IDE. With Selenium IDE you can create scripts to aid in automation-aided exploratory testing. If you’re looking to create robust, browser-based tests, you should look into using a testing framework with Selenium.

TestNG is a Java testing framework that can be used to drive Selenium. In this how-to you will learn how to create an automated test with TestNG.

This how-to teaches you how to do the following:

  • Create TestNG test files
  • Run automated tests with TestNG
  • Generate reports with TestNG


Before starting with this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:

Creating a Java Project

In this chapter you will install the TestNG plug-in and create a Java project in Eclipse including the TestNG and Selenium libraries:

  1. Open Eclipse.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Eclipse plug-in > Install from update site section in Downloading TestNG.

  3. Restart Eclipse for changes to take effect.

  4. Select File > New > Java Project.

  5. Enter MyFirstTestNGProject for the Project name and click Next.

  6. Select the Libraries tab and click Add Library.

  7. Select TestNG and click Next.

  8. Click Finish to set the default TestNG library to this project.

  9. Click Add External JARs… and navigate to where you saved the Selenium JAR files.

  10. Add all the JAR files inside the selenium-[version] and libs folders:

  11. Click Finish to create the Java project. MyFirstTestNGProject will be shown in the Package Explorer:

You are now done setting up your project!

Create a TestNG File

To create a new TestNG file, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the src folder and select New > Other…:

  2. Select TestNG class and then click Next:

  3. Click Browse… to select a source folder, select MyFirstTestNGProject > src, and click OK.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Package name: myfirsttestngpackage
    • Class name: MyFirstTestNGFile
    • @BeforeTest: true
    • @AfterTest: true
  5. Click Finish. The template for your first TestNG file will be created automatically:

    The @Test annotation is used to state that the method under it is a test case. In this case, the method f is a test case. The @BeforeTest annotation is used to state that the method under it will be executed before the first test case. The @AfterTest annotation is used to state that the method under it will be executed after the last test case.

Creating a Test Case

Let’s now code your test case.

Add a WebDriver

To create a variable to be used for the WebDriver, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the following:

    public class MyFirstTestNGFile {
  2. Add the code below on the next line. This will create a driver variable of the WebDriver type:

    public WebDriver driver;
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + O to organize the imports. This will import the missing statements and remove the unused import statements. The following statement will be imported:

    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

Add a BeforeTest Method

The @BeforeTest annotation is used to state that the method under it will be executed before the first test case. Before the first test case, open the Firefox browser by following these steps:

  1. Change the following code:

    public void beforeTest() {


    public void beforeTest() {
    	driver = new FirefoxDriver();

    This creates a new instance of the Firefox driver and opens the Firefox browser.

  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + O. The following statement will be imported:

    import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

Add an AfterTest Method

The @AfterTest annotation is used to state that the method under it will be executed after the last test case. After the last test case, close the browser by changing the following code:

public void afterTest() {


public void afterTest() {

This will close the Firefox browser.

Add the First Test Method

To add the first test method, open a URL in the browser, and then change the following code:

public void f() {


public void openApp() {

This test method will open the URL http://localhost:8080/index.html in the Firefox browser. By default, the methods annotated by @Test are executed alphabetically. You can use parameters to modify the annotation’s function. The priority parameter can be used to execute the methods in a different order. TestNG will execute the @Test annotation with the lowest priority value up to the largest.

Add the Second Test Method

Now that you are on the login window, you will want to sign in. To add the second test method, follow these steps:

  1. Open Firefox and go to http://localhost:8080/index.html.

  2. Use the developer tools to inspect the element.

  3. Click the User name input field. The ID of the this field is usernameInput. The CSS selector of an ID is a hashtag (#) + the name of the ID. For the User name field, this will be #usernameInput. The same principle is used for the other steps. The CSS selector #usernameInput is unique. There is one matching node:

  4. Repeat steps 5–6 for the Password input field and the Sign in button:

    Element CSS Selector
    Password input field #passwordInput
    Sign in button #loginButton
  5. Add a new test method called login. Use the following code:

    public void login() {

This test method contains the following test steps:

  1. Enter MxAdmin as the user name.
  2. Enter 1 as the password.
  3. Click the login button.

Add the Third Test Method

To add the third test method, follow these steps:

  1. Open your app and in the App Explorer, open the ProgramDetail page.

  2. Select the Expenses tab:

    The name of the Expenses tab is tabPage4. Every element will automatically get the CSS class mx-name-[Name], so the expenses tab will get the CSS class mx-name-tabPage4 when the app is running.

  3. Go back to Eclipse.

  4. Add a new test method called openExpensesTab. Use the following code:

    public void openExpensesTab() {
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

    This test method calls ExpectedCondition every 500 milliseconds until it either returns successfully or 10 seconds have passed. When 10 seconds have passed and the element is not located, a TimeoutException will be thrown. If the element is located within 10 seconds, the method will click the element with class name mx-name-tabPage4. The class of the expenses tab is mx-name-tabPage4. The CSS selector of a class is a dot (.) + the class name, so for the expenses tab, it will be .mx-name-tabPage4.

Add the Fourth Test Method

Now that you are on the Expenses tab, you will want to create a new expense. To add the fourth test method, follow these steps:

  1. Open Studio Pro and then open the Desktop_AdminMenu page.

  2. Select the New Expense button:

    The name of the New Expense button is newButton3, so the button will have the mx-name-newButton3 CSS class:

  3. Open the Desktop_Expense_NewEdit_Admin page.

  4. Find the names of the following elements (as you did in step 3):

    Element Name
    Amount field textBox6
    Description dropdown referenceSelector1
    Save button saveButton1
  5. Go back to Eclipse.

  6. Add a new test method called createExpense. Use the following code:

    public void createExpense() {
    	driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".mx-window-active .mx-name-textBox6 input")).clear();
    	driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".mx-window-active .mx-name-textBox6 input")).sendKeys("15.00");
    	driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".mx-window-active .mx-name-referenceSelector1 option:nth-child(2)")).click();
    	driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".mx-window-active .mx-name-saveButton1")).click();

    This test method contains the following test steps:

    1. Click New Expense.
    2. Clear the Amount field.
    3. Enter 15.00 in the Amount field.
    4. Select the second option from the Description drop-down menu.
    5. Click Save.

    A pop-up window will be shown after clicking New Expense (.mx-name-newButton3). To be sure the element of the active page is retrieved (which in this case is the pop-up), you need to add .mx-window-active to the CSS selector of the elements in the pop-up.

    For every input field, you need to add input at the end of the CSS selector.

    The default value of the amount field is 0.00. To enter a new value, you first need to clear the field.

    The reference selector has six options; empty, Accomodation, Meal, Other, Supplies, Transport. To select Accomodation (the second option), you need to add option:nth-child(2) at the end of the CSS selector.

Add the Fifth Test Method

After you have created an expense, you will want to sign out. To add the fifth test method, follow these steps:

  1. Open Studio Pro and then open the Desktop_MyInfo snippet.

  2. Find the name of the following element:

    Element Name
    Sign out button signOutButton1
  3. Add a new test method called signOut. Use the following code:

    public void signOut() {

    This test method will click the element with the mx-name-signOutButton1 class name.

Run the Test

You are now ready to run the test. To run the test, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the MyFirstTestNGProject folder.

  2. Select Run as > TestNG Test:

    The results of the test will be shown in the console window and in the TestNG results window:

Test Report

TestNG generates reports in the HTML format. To test the report, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the MyFirstTestNGProject folder and select Refresh. A test-output folder will be created:

  2. Open the test-output folder.

  3. Right-click the index.html file.

  4. Select Open with > Web Browser. The report will look like this:

  5. Click (show). The test methods are shown alphabetically:

  6. Click the Chronological view. An overview with the methods in chronological order will be shown:

Creating a Test Suite

When you run your test as you did in Run the Test, a test suite is created automatically. This test suite contains all testNG files that can be found in the project. But what if you only want to run specific tests? Than you need to create a test suite yourself.

  1. Right-click the src folder and select New > Other.

  2. Open the XML folder and select XML File:

  3. Click Next.

  4. Change the file name to MyFirstTestSuite.xml.

  5. Click Finish to create the XML file:

  6. Click the Source tab:

  7. Change the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <suite name="MyFirstTestSuite">
    	<test name="Test1">
    				name="myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile" />

    This will create the new test suite MyFirstTestSuite. The test suite contain one test: Test1. The test contain one testNG file, myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile.

  8. Right-click the MyFirstTestSuite.xml file and select Run as > 1 TestNG Suite.

Well done! You created your first TestNG Suite!

Run Your Test Suite on Multiple Browsers Using @Parameters

The test you created is now run on Firefox only. If you want to make sure the functionality works as expected in other browsers, you need to perform multi-browser testing. With TestNG it is very easy to perform the same test on different browsers.

  1. Download the ChromeDriver here:

  2. Configure the IE Driver here:

  3. In Eclipse, open MyFirstTestNGFile and change the following code:

    public void beforeTest() {
    	driver = new FirefoxDriver();


    public void beforeTest(String browser) {
    		System.setProperty("", "C://Selenium/chromedriver.exe");
    		driver = new ChromeDriver();
    	else if(browser.equalsIgnoreCase("ie")){
    		System.setProperty("", "C://Selenium/IEDriverServer.exe");
    		driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
    		driver = new FirefoxDriver();

    @Parameters is used to insert a parameter (in this case browser) from the test suite XML. If the browser parameter is chrome, a Chrome driver will start.

    In this section, chromedriver.exe is stored in the C://Selenium folder. Be sure to use the right path in this code.

  4. Press Ctrl + Shift + O , and the following statements will be imported:

    import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
  5. Open MyFirstTestSuite and change the following code

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <suite name="MyFirstTestSuite">
    	<test name="Test1">
    				name="myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile" />


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <suite name="MyFirstTestSuite">
    	<test name="ChromeTest">
    		<parameter name="browser" value="chrome" />
    			<class name="myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile" />
    	<test name="IETest">
    		<parameter name="browser" value="ie" />
    			<class name="myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile" />
    	<test name="FirefoxTest">
    		<parameter name="browser" value="firefox" />
    			<class name="myfirsttestngpackage.MyFirstTestNGFile" />

    The first test (called ChromeTest) has the browser parameter chrome. This parameter will be used in the @BeforeTest method in MyFirstTestNGFile.

  6. Right-click the MyFirstTestSuite.xml file and select Run as > TestNG Suite:

Well done! You created your first automated cross-browser test with TestNG!

Now you know how to create a TestNG test file, how to create a test suite and how to run the automated test(s) on multiple browsers.

Happy testing!

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