Insights Hub IIoT for Makers

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

Insights Hub IIoT for Makers provides you with an account to connect Industrial equipment and consume the IoT data in Mendix applications. With Insights Hub IIoT for Makers you can:

  • Easily connect and manage Industrial machinery
  • Build or extend a Mendix application with Insights Hub IIoT for Makers capabilities
  • Use standard IoT applications in Insights Hub
  • Use a seamless single-sign-on between Insights Hub and Mendix accounts
  • Simply consume IoT data from Insights Hub in your Mendix applications

With the use of Insights Hub IIoT for Makers, you have an integrated developer experience to build and integrate personalized Industrial IoT applications with Mendix.

Insights Hub IIoT for Makers packages come in various sizes. Please see the Product Sheet for full details.

This documentation will help you find out how to develop for Siemens Insights Hub. Alternatively, have a look at the Mendix Academy learning path Mendix IIoT for Makers.

1.1 Limitations

Insights Hub IIoT for Makers is easy to add to your app but has the following limitations:

  • You cannot make your app multi-tenant – see Multi-tenancy in Insights Hub Development Considerations for more information on multi-tenancy
  • Your app cannot be deployed to the Insights Hub platform and cannot be added to the Insights Hub Developer Cockpit
  • End-users cannot use Insights Hub credentials to sign in to your app, so Insights Hub does not know anything about individual app end-users — you must design your app to handle any required security for each end-user

Insights Hub IIoT for Makers can be used in any Mendix app, for example an app which is based on the Mendix Blank App. However, it is not suitable for apps which are designed to be deployed to Insights Hub, such as the Siemens Insights Hub Starter Application, the Siemens Insights Hub Monitor Example, or an app which is using the Siemens Insights Hub SSO module.

Unless you are adding features to an existing app, it is recommended that you start with the Mendix Blank App.

2 Setting Up Insights Hub IIoT for Makers

2.1 Requesting the Insights Hub IIoT for Makers

Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or the Mendix Sales organization to request Insights Hub IIoT for Makers.

Once your order is processed, your entitlement to Insights Hub IIoT for Makers will be confirmed.

2.2 Provisioning an Insights Hub Tenant

On receipt of your confirmation, a Mendix Admin for your company will need to initiate the creation of a dedicated tenant account within Insights Hub.

Once all the resources have been provisioned, the Mendix Admin for your company will receive an email confirming that your Insights Hub account has been created. The email will also contain the following:

  • The name of your Insights Hub account – this is the client URI
  • A link to enable you to create the binding keys – see below for more information

2.3 Linking to Asset Manager

Once you have the name of your Insights Hub account, you can use this to link your account to the required assets. You will be able to sign in to this account using your Mendix account credentials (user ID and password).

2.3.1 Creating New Assets

To set up new assets, follow the Workflow for creating assets instructions in the Insights Hub Asset Manager documentation.

Full information can be found in the Insights Hub Asset Manager documentation on the Insights Hub site.

2.3.2 Availability of Assets

There are two ways to use the Mendix App Service.

2.3.3 Publishing Assets to Data Hub

To access your IoT data using the OData technology provided by the Mendix Data Hub, you first have to publish your asset information to Mendix Data Hub. To do this, you create a contract within the Insights Hub Asset Manager. Do the following to manage your contracts:

  1. Go to the Asset Manager in the Insights Hub Launchpad.

  2. On the home page you find a card showing the numbers of already existing contracts.

  3. Click View contracts.

  4. You will now see the lists of your already existing contracts or an indication that no contracts are created yet.


    If no contracts are available, click Create contract to start your first one. If you have already some contracts, click Add contracts to add another one.

  5. On the left-hand side, you can select the asset types you want to share within this contract. On the right side you will see a preview of all selected types.

  6. Confirm your selection by clicking Next.

  7. In the Meta Information step of the wizard you can specify parameters like the name or the version of your contract. Note that the application name is already pre-filled with a combination of the prefix mdsp_ and your tenant name. This will help you to find all contracts for your particular tenant within Mendix.

  8. Confirm your meta information by clicking Next.

  9. In the last step you can specify the following:

    • Save your contract (always enabled).
    • Download your contract – if you want to store the contract yourself or you want to use it with an OData provider other than the Mendix Data Hub
    • Publish the contract to the Mendix Data Hub – you must do this if you want to use the asset information within your Mendix app; it is therefore preselected
  10. Click the Submit button to finalize the creation of your contract.

2.4 Linking to Data Lake Manager

Once you have the name of your Insights Hub account, you can use this to link your account to the required assets. You will be able to sign in to this account using your Mendix account credentials (user ID and password).

2.4.1 Creating New Resources

To set up new assets, follow the Workflow for uploading objects instructions in the Insights Hub Integrated Data Lake Manager documentation.

Full information can be found in the Insights Hub Integrated Data Lake Manager documentation on the Insights Hub site.

2.4.2 Availability of Data Lake Resources (folders)

There are two ways to use the Mendix App Service.

2.4.3 Publishing Resources to Data Hub

To access your data from Data Lake storage using the OData technology provided by Mendix Data Hub, you first have to publish your asset information to Mendix Data Hub. To do this, you create a contract within the Insights Hub Integrated Data Lake Manager. Do the following to manage your contracts:

  1. Go to the Integrated Data Lake Manager in the Insights Hub Launchpad.

  2. On the left hand side, you find the tile oData Contract. Click on the tile to open contracts view.

  3. You will now see a list of your already existing contracts or an indication that no contracts are created yet.

    • If no contracts are available, click Create contract to start your first one.

    • If you have already some contracts, click Add contracts to add another one.

  4. In the Meta Information section of the wizard, you can specify parameters like the name or the version of your contract. Note that the application name is already pre-filled with a combination of the prefix mdsp_ and your tenant name. This will help you to find all contracts for your particular tenant within Mendix.

  5. In the Folder Selection section, select the folder (or folders) to be published in the contract. In the right panel, the selected folders are listed.

  6. In the summary section, you can choose the following:

    • Download your contract – if you want to store the contract yourself or you want to use it with an OData provider other than the Mendix Data Hub
    • Publish the contract to the Mendix Data Hub – you must do this if you want to use the asset information within your Mendix app; it is therefore preselected
  7. By default, the contract is saved in the OData Contract Registry(ODCR) within Insights Hub.

  8. Click Submit to finalize the creation of your contract.


Now your assets will appear in the Data Hub Pane of Studio Pro, and you can continue with Creating Binding Keys.

3 Creating Binding Keys

To authenticate your calls you will need to provide the Insights Hub IIoT Authenticator Module with the binding keys: an clientID and a clientSecret. You need to create these in the Mendix Marketplace once the Insights Hub tenant has been provisioned. This can be done as follows:

  1. Open the Service Management Dashboard of the Mendix Marketplace using the link provided in your confirmation email.

  2. Choose the Product Insights Hub IoT.

  3. Click Create Binding Keys.

  4. In Provide a Name for Your App Connection enter a name so that you can retrieve this pair of keys from the Developer Portal in future.

  5. Click Create Keys.


    You will see a pop-up containing three pieces of information: clientID, TokenURL, and clientSecret.

  6. Click Copy for each of these pieces of information and save them somewhere safe – you will not be able to access them again.


You can find more information about managing binding keys in the My Subscriptions and Company Subscriptions sections of My Marketplace.

4 Using Insights Hub IIoT for Makers Through Mendix Data Hub

The easiest way to get your data from Insights Hub is to use Mendix Data Hub.

4.1 Adding External Entities to the Domain Model

To add the external entities representing your Insights Hub data to the domain model, search in the Data Hub pane for your Insights Hub service.

Drag the entities you need into your domain model. This will also create a Consumed OData Service document which you will need to edit to authenticate your calls to the Insights Hub API.

4.2 Authenticating Calls to External Entities

To extract data from Insights Hub, your calls to the Insights Hub API need to be authenticated. This is done through the Insights Hub IIot Authenticator Module.

Download the MindSphere IIot Authenticator Module by following the instructions Downloading Content from the Marketplace in the document Using Marketplace Content.

In the _Use me folder of the InsightsHubIIotAuthenticator module set the following constants:

  • TokenURL – this is the TokenURL from the binding keys you generated
  • ClientID – this is the clientID from the binding keys you generated
  • ClientSecret – this is the clientSecret from the binding keys you generated

In the Consumed OData Service document associated with your Insights Hub service, set the Headers from microflow to be InsightsHubIIoTAuthenticator.DH_AddAuthHeader. This ensures that the values you have set in the Use me folder are used to authenticate each HTTP request to Insights Hub.


Set the Error handling microflow to be InsightsHubIIoTAuthenticator.DH_ErrorHandler. This microflow is executed if there is an error. It logs the error and provides a human readable string of the error, which is shown to the user in an error message. See Custom Error Handling, below, for further details.


5 Using Insights Hub IIoT for Makers Through REST Calls

5.1 Downloading the IIoT Authenticator Module

To extract data from Insights Hub, your calls to the Insights Hub API need to be authenticated. This is done through the Insights Hub IIot Authenticator Module.

Download the MindSphere IIot Authenticator Module by following the instructions Downloading Content from the Marketplace in the document Using Marketplace Content.

5.3 Authenticating Insights Hub REST Calls

Calls to Insights Hub are made through REST calls which can be made using the standard Mendix Call REST Service functionality. See How To Consume a REST Service for a full walkthrough on doing this. For calls to Insights Hub, these calls need to be authenticated.

To extract data from Insights Hub, your calls to the Insights Hub API need to be authenticated. This is done through the Insights Hub IIot Authenticator Module.

This is done by adding an Access token action before each Call REST action in your microflows. The Access token can be found within the toolbox on the right side.


The Access token action returns a string which contains an access token which can be used in the Call REST action. In the example below, the token string is given the name Token.


In the REST call, an HTTP Header is added called Authorization and this is given the value of the access token.


However, authentication will only be successful if the correct credentials are provided to the Access token action. This requires the following to be set in the _Use me folder of the InsightsHubIIotAuthenticator module:

  • TokenURL – this is the TokenURL from the binding keys you generated
  • ClientID – this is the clientID from the binding keys you generated
  • ClientSecret – this is the clientSecret from the binding keys you generated

6 Authentication Considerations

6.1 Authenticating During Development

When you are developing your app, you can set the ClientID and ClientSecret constants within the app. You can also override these by using different Configurations within your app settings.

For security, the values of these constants should not be included when you deploy the app.

6.2 Authenticating for Deployment

When you deploy your app, you should remove the values of ClientID and ClientSecret from the app model for security reasons. You should then set the correct value as a constant (Cloud Foundry environment variable) during the deployment.

For the Mendix Cloud, this can be done by setting the value of the constants on the Model Options tab of the Environment Details. See Constants for information on how to set these values on other deployment platforms.

7 Insights Hub Widgets

If you want to use the Siemens Insights Hub Widgets in your app, these will need to use the Insights Hub API Reverse Proxy.

To enable this, you will have to do two things:

  1. Ensure that the constant EnableMindSphereApiReverseProxy is set to true to ensure this can happen.
  2. Add the microflow Register ApiReverseProxy to the After Startup microflow (or microflows) which are run when the app is started.

8 Data Hub Limitations

8.1 Read-only Access

Data Hub only supports reading of data from Insights Hub. This means that you cannot create, update, or delete data on Insights Hub. If you need to do this, you should Use Insights Hub IIoT for Makers Through REST Calls.

8.2 Associations Between Contracts

You cannot create associations between external entities. To work around this, always publish related asset types in a single contract so that your app can identify the association between them.

For example, imagine that you have an Asset Type CNGTurbine which has a derived Asset Type LPGTurbine. If you publish an OData contract for CNGTurbine and a separate contract for LPGTurbine, you cannot create an association directly between LPGTurbine and CNGTurbine in the Mendix Domain Model as these are two different contracts. If you publish them in a single contract, you can also publish the association and use the fact that LPGTurbine is derived from CNGTurbine.

8.3 Date and Time Attributes

Mendix Data Hub treats OData time fields as strings. This means that, when you want to specify date (for example, a date range for a Time Series entity), you will have to provide the data and time in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.

8.4 Enumeration Values

Mendix Data Hub does not limit the selections on a query to valid values. When you are creating your Mendix app, you should validate your values before using them in a query.

For example, the interval unit on a Time Series can only be days, minutes, or seconds. If you allow the user to specify day, then Insights Hub will return an error.

8.5 Insights Hub Query Limitations

Mendix will allow you to query all types of Data Hub external entities using all the attributes of those entities and a wide range of operators. There are some limitations on which attributes you can query with which operators in Insights Hub, but Mendix does not know about these. You should therefore stay within the guidelines listed below.

Entity Type Search with Attributes Use operators
Asset assetId, name, parentId, timezone, and typeId eq (equal), contains, startsWith, and endsWith
Time Series assetId eq
Time Series timestamp after (greater than), and before (less than or equal to)
Time Series Aggregate assetId, aggregationType, variableName, intervalUnit, intervalValue, and intervalCount eq
Time Series Aggregate timestamp after (greater than), and before (less than or equal to)

These limits also apply to REST queries.

8.6 Number and Count of Time Series Objects Returned

Insights Hub will not return more than 2000 Insights Hub Time Series and Aggregates objects in a data grid using pagination. Mendix does not enforce this limitation, as this does not apply to entities in the Mendix database.

If you need to retrieve more than 2000 objects, use multiple time intervals for your query modify your query criteria using the timestamp attribute to return fewer than 2000 objects for each time interval.

In addition, the total number of objects returned by a Time Series or Aggregate query will not be correctly calculated.

This limitation also applies to REST queries.

8.7 Unsupported OData Queries

It is possible to construct a query in Mendix which is not supported by the Insights Hub OData contract. If you attempt an unsupported query you will receive an error message.

For example, Time Series can only be sorted using the timestamp attribute. If you are displaying a Time Series for the current through a pump using an attribute current, you will get an error if you try to sort Time Series data on the value of the current attribute.

9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Custom Error Handling

Custom Error Handling is possible when using OData in Microflows, for example on a retrieve action. On the error flow of the action you get a human-readable error string in the variable $latestError/Message. Use this variable as input to InsightsHubIIoTAuthenticator.DH_ErrorFromString to get a Error entity. Now implement your custom error handling, for example based on the StatusCode of the error.


9.2 Internal Server Error and Long Names

Publishing contracts to Data Hub can fail with a HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when the combination of Asset Type, Aspect Type, and Aspect Name is very long. The publish operation will fail if the string AGGR_{AspectType}_{AspectName}_{AssetType} is more than 200 characters long.

For example, consider an Asset Type CNGTurbine, with Aspect Type PowerConsumption and Aspect PrimaryMotor. This would produce the string AGGR_PowerConsumption_PrimaryMotor_CNGTurbine (45 characters) which is less than 200 characters long and can be published successfully. If it were longer than 200 characters, publication would fail.