OpenAPI Automatic Registration

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

OpenAPI automatic registration registers all your OpenAPI and OData APIs in the Catalog automatically when you app is deployed to the Mendix CLoud. This makes them easily discoverable within your organization.

2 Prerequisites

For OpenAPI, your app needs to be made using Mendix Studio Pro version 10.0 or above.

If your data sources are not hosted on Mendix Cloud, see Register Data Sources to explore alternative methods to register them.

3 Who Can Discover My APIs?

Once your APIs are registered in the Catalog, they become discoverable to other Mendix platform users within your organization.

You can manage API discoverability on a per-API basis, either from the curation pages or the API detail page. For more information, see the Discoverable and Validated section of Curate Registered Assets.

4 What Does “Beta” Mean?

This feature is currently in beta, which means we are actively testing and improving it to better meet your needs.

We value your feedback, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the Mendix Community.

5 Read More

To dive deeper into how you can make the most out of the Catalog and its capabilities, check out our comprehensive Getting Started Guide.