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Create Your First Microflow: Hello World!

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix uses visual models called microflows to define the logic of your application. Microflows are visual ways of expressing what traditionally would be written in code. This how-to explains how you can create a very simple “Hello World” microflow.

This how-to teaches you how to do the following:

  • Create a menu item
  • Create and edit a microflow

2 Creating a Menu Item

Microflows can be triggered in many different ways (for details, see Trigger Logic Using Microflows). For this how-to, you’ll be using a menu item to trigger the new microflow.

To create a menu item, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Navigation editor, add a menu item in the desktop navigation settings, and enter the caption of Hello World:

  2. Click Select… in the Target section of the New Menu Item dialog box to open the Select Navigation Target pop-up window:

  3. For On click, select Call a microflow:

  4. In the Select Microflow dialog box, select a microflow and then click New:

  5. Enter HelloWorld for the Name of the new microflow.

  6. Save the new menu item by clicking OK.

3 Editing the New Microflow

To edit the new microflow, follow these steps:

  1. Open the new microflow by right-clicking the new menu item created in 2 Creating a Menu Item and selecting Go to target from the context menu:

    You will see an empty microflow like this:

  2. Open the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the Modeler:

  3. Drag a Show message action from the Toolbox to the line between the green start event and red end event, which will insert a show message action activity:

  4. Double-click the message activity to open the Show Message properties editor.

  5. Enter Hello World for the Template value and click OK:

  6. Run the application locally and click View to see the application in your default browser:

  7. Locate the new navigation item in the menu bar and click it to see the message.

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