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OData Query Options

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

This is a list of query options for OData.

2 Retrieving Objects

2.1 Retrieving All Objects

All objects can be retrieved by specifying the URI. For example: /odata/myservice/myresource. You can see this if you specify the URI in a browser.

2.2 Retrieving a Single Object

A single object can be retrieved by passing the object identifier in the URI. For example: /odata/myservice/myresource(8444249301330581).

3 Counting the Number of Objects

3.1 Retrieving a Count of Objects

You can find out how many objects there are by passing the $count query option. In this case, the result is an integer which is the number of objects. For example: /odata/myservice/myresource/$count.

3.2 Inline Count

By setting the $inlinecount query option to ‘allpages’, a count of the number of items returned will be included in the result. For example: ?$inlinecount=allpages.

4 Filtering

Filters are applied by appending a $filter=... parameter to the request. For example: /Employees?$filter=Name eq 'John'.

4.1 Passing attributes

This table describes how to pass values for different attribute types:

Type How to Pass
String and Enumeration Enclosed in single quotes (for example, ‘John’)
Datetime Preceded with datetime and enclosed in single quotes (for example, datetime'2015-01-01’ or datetime’<epoch value here>’)
Other Plain value (for example, 15)

4.2 Comparison Operators

We support the following comparison operators:

Operator Meaning Example
eq equals /Employees?$filter=Name eq 'John'
ne does not equal /Employees?$filter=Name ne 'John'
gt greater than /Employees?$filter=Age gt 15
lt less than /Employees?$filter=Age lt 15
ge greater than or equal to /Employees?$filter=Age ge 15
le less than or equal to /Employees?$filter=Age le 15

4.3 Functions

Function Example Returns
substringof /Employees?$filter=substringof('f', Name) All employees with names that contain an ‘f’
endswith /Employees?$filter=endswith(Name, 'f') All employees with names that end with ‘f’
startswith /Employees?$filter=startswith(Name, 'f') All employees with names that start with ‘f’
length /Employees?$filter=length(Name) eq 5 All employees with names that have a length of 5
year /Employees?$filter=year(DateOfBirth) eq 1990 All employees born in the year 1990
month /Employees?$filter=month(DateOfBirth) eq 5 All employees born in May
day /Employees?$filter=day(DateOfBirth) eq 31 All employees born on the 31st day of the month
hour /Employees?$filter=hour(Registration) eq 13 All employees registered between 13:00 (1 PM) and 13:59 (1:59 PM)
minute /Employees?$filter=minute(Registration) eq 55 All employees registered on the 55th minute of any hour
second /Employees?$filter=second(Registration) eq 55 All employees registered on the 55th second of any minute of any hour

4.4 Combining Filters

Filters can be combined with and, or, not, and (). For example: ?$filter=Name eq 'John' and (Age gt 65 or Age lt 11).

Combination Example
and /Employees?$filter=Name eq 'John' and Age gt 65
or /Employees?$filter=Age gt 65 or Age lt 11
not /Employees?$filter=not(Name eq 'John')
( ) /Employees?$filter=Name eq 'John' and (Age gt 65 or Age lt 11)

4.5 Arithmetic Operators

The use of arithmetic operators such as add, sub, mul, div, and mod in filter expressions is not supported.

5 Sorting

You can sort the result using the $orderby query option. For example: ?$orderby=Name.

The default direction is ascending, and you can make this explicit. For example: ?$orderby=Name asc.

You can also order the result in a descending direction. For example: ?$orderby=Name desc.

It is possible to sort on multiple attributes, which have to be comma-separated. For example: ?$orderby=Name, Age desc.

6 Selecting fields

You can select which attributes and associations to return by specifying the $select query option. For example: ?$select=Name,Age.

7 Paging

7.1 Top (Limit)

You can limit the number of returned objects using the $top query option, where the limit is a positive integer. For example: ?$top=100.

7.2 Skip (Offset)

You can skip a number of objects before retrieving the result using the $skip query option, where the offset is a positive integer. For example: ?$skip=100 will return objects starting with the 101st object in the list.

8 Null Literals

You can compare values against the null literal. For example: ?$filter=Name eq null.

In this example, Name is a string attribute that can have no assigned value in the database. Note that null means no value as opposed to '' (which is an empty string).

When you filter against associations, null literals can be quite useful. For example: ?$filter=Association_A_B ne null. In this example, you query for objects of entity type A that have at least one association set to objects of entity type B.