Permissions API

Last modified: June 14, 2024

1 Introduction

The Permissions API enables retrieving the user roles a specific user has in your application. There are several ways in which the roles granted to a user in an application can be changed:

  • A user may be granted roles through a group policy for a group in which they are a member. Group policies define a specific set of user roles to be granted to members of the group to which the policy applies for a specific environment. Group membership can also be changed by the User Management API .

The service is part of the AppCloudServices module, and it’s included in the default themes when creating a new application. Both of these options include a default implementation of the Permissions API.

2 API Calls

2.1 GetRolesForOpenID

2.1.1 Description

Retrieves the user roles for a specific user, based on their OpenID; this will return a list of AppRole objects representing the user roles the user has.

2.1.2 Available In

API Version 1.

2.1.3 Parameters

Name Parameter type Required Description
OpenID String Yes OpenID of the user for which you are retrieving the roles.
EnvironmentUUID String Yes UUID of the requesting environment. This should be the value of the AppCloudServices.EnvironmentUUID constant, which the Mendix Portal will fill in automatically.
EnvironmentPassword String Yes Password of the requesting environment. This should be the value of the AppCloudServices.EnvironmentUUID constant, which the Mendix Portal will fill in automatically.

2.1.4 Return type

List of PermissionsAPI.AppRole objects. AppRole
Attribute Type Description
UUID String UUID of the user role. Using, this the corresponding System.UserRole object can be retrieved as this UUID will match the UserRole’s ModelGUID attribute.
DisplayName String Name of the user role