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Create Branch Line Dialog

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

Use this dialog box to create a new branch line in your application.

A branch line allows independent development from other development lines. There are two main reasons for creating a branch line:

  • To do maintenance development in the branch line on a version of your app that is running in production, while still keeping on developing in the main line
  • To start developing a very large feature that will take more than a day to develop in the branch line, without disturbing other development in the main line

To open the Create Branch Line dialog box, go to Project > More Versioning > Manage Branch Lines, and click New in the Branch Lines Manager dialog box.

2 Create Branch From

Create branch from allows you to choose where you want to create the branch line from. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Main line – generally if you want to develop a large feature independently of the main line
  • Branch line – if you want to create a branch line from another branch line
  • Tagged version – probably if you are doing maintenance on a deployed version

3 Revision

For the Revision field, click Select to select from which revision of the main line you want to create a branch line. Often, you want to choose the most recent version. You then develop some functionality in the branch line and merge it back to the main line when you are done.

4 Branch Line

In the Branch line drop-down list, select from which branch line you want to create another branch line.

5 Tagged Version

In the Tagged version drop-down list, select from which tagged version you want to create a branch line. Every time you create a deployment archive a tag is created so that you can always refer back to that version of the app.

6 Branch Name

Enter a name of the new Branch line.

7 Existing Branch Name

Since branch line names must be unique, the Existing branch lines are shown so that you do not accidentally create a branch line twice.

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