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Starting Microflows

Last modified: September 11, 2023

1 Introduction

Mendix allows for microflows to be triggered in pages by a variety of widgets. These widgets share a set of properties that determine the conditions in which the microflow is run. Listed below are all the widgets that can directly trigger microflows. Also listed are the events that will cause the microflow to trigger, in addition to the object that can be passed to the triggered microflow.

Widget Event/Property Available Parameter
Action button (data view) On click Data view object
Data view Data source Object of the data view containing this data view
Action button (grid)1 On click Grid selection or clicked row (as an object or as a list, depending on the selection mode)
Reference set selector On change Data view object
Input widget2 On change Data view object
Input widget On enter Data view object
Input widget On leave Data view object
Image viewer On click Image viewer object
Action button On click Enclosing data view object, if available
Reference selector Data source Data view object

1 The following grid widgets have grid action buttons: data grid; template grid; and reference set selector.
2 The following widgets are input widgets: checkbox; date picker; drop-down; text area; and text box.

2 Microflow

This is the microflow that will be executed. Its parameters should match the available arguments.

3 Microflow arguments

The arguments sent to the microflow are automatically configured based on the parameters of the selected microflow and the available arguments. Which arguments are available depends on the widget calling the microflow. For a full listing consult the table above. Additionally, if the widget calling a microflow is contained inside a nested data view, then the object of the enclosing data view is also available.

The arguments available to a data or template grid control bar button are determined by the selection mode of the grid and the parameters of the selected microflow. Single selection results in the selected object being passed to the microflow if the microflow has an object parameter. If the microflow has an object list parameter, all the pages will be passed instead, ignoring the selection. Simple multi-selection allows for both all pages and selection, which defaults to selection. This can be configured via the drop-down menu in the microflow settings page.

4 Execution

4.1 Microflow Call Type

This property indicates whether the connected microflow is executed synchronously or asynchronously. With synchronously executed microflows the microflow is started and the client waits for the result. With asynchronously called microflows the microflow is started on the server but the client does not wait for the result. It will check the server every ten seconds to see whether the microflow is done executing.

Value Description
Synchronous The client waits until the microflow is done executing.
Asynchronous The client executes the microflow and starts polling to determine whether the microflow is done executing.

Default value: Synchronous

4.2 Show Progress Bar

This property indicates whether a progress bar is shown during the execution of the microflow. The message shown in the progress bar can be set with the ‘Progress message’ property.

Value Description
None No progress bar is shown.
Non-Blocking A progress bar is shown, but the end user can continue working.
Blocking A progress bar is shown and the end user must wait until the microflow is done.

4.3 Progress Message

The progress message is shown along with the progress bar if the progress bar is either non-blocking or blocking (see above).

5 Confirmation

If a microflow is triggered by a button you have the option to ask for confirmation before proceeding with the microflow. This is useful in cases where an operation modifies or deletes a lot of data or when it takes a lot of time to complete. The user will be prompted with a question whether they want to continue with this operation.

Note: the title of the confirmation pop-up is determined by a system text (category ‘Message dialog title’).

5.1 Ask Confirmation

Here you can specify whether you want to ask for confirmation or not.

Default value: No

5.2 Question

This is the question that you want to show to the user. For example, “Are you sure you want to empty the trash can?”.

5.3 Proceed Button Caption

This is the caption for the button that proceeds with the execution of the microflow. For example, “Empty trash can”

5.4 Cancel Button Caption

This is the caption for the button that cancels the execution of the microflow. For example, “Cancel”.

6 Advanced

6.2 Maintain Selection After Microflow (Only for Grid Microflow Buttons)

This property specifies whether the selection of the data or template grid should be maintained after executing the microflow.

Default value: No

6.2 Abort on Validation Errors

For microflows that are used within a data view, you can specify whether you want to perform page validations before executing the microflow. There are two kind of page validations:

  1. Required: the input field must be given a value.
  2. Maximum length: the input field must not exceed a given length.

By using this property you can perform page validations before executing the microflow. If the validations fail, the microflow will not be executed.

Value Description
Yes This will prevent the microflow from executing on all validation errors.
Only for this widget This will prevent the microflow from executing on validation errors of the specific widget.
No The microflow will always be executed.

Default value: Yes