
Last modified: May 28, 2024


Release date: July 26, 2017

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Atlas-Based Apps

  • When creating a new Atlas-based app from the Desktop Modeler, it’s now also possible to edit the app in the beta version of the Web Modeler. Formerly, this was only possible when the app was created from the Developer Portal. For details about the Web Modeler, see Mendix 7 Atlas Release: Bringing Design Thinking to Low-Code App Development.
  • In 7.5.0, it was not possible to use the Generate page functionality for buttons in the Responsive profile. The Create Page dialog box showed no selectable page templates for this profile. We fixed this.
  • We now provide several form pages that can be used for page generation.

Other Fixes

  • The Map automatically button that generates domain model entities now always generates a mapping parameter in export mappings.

Known Issues

  • In some situations, an object associated to another object cannot be committed during the execution of a before/after commit event, resulting in an error such as “Object of type ‘MyModule.MyEntity’ with guid ‘12345’ cannot be updated, as it does not exist anymore.” For example, consider two new objects A and B, wherein A (parent) is associated with B (child) and A has a before- or after-commit event. In this event, B will be changed and committed. If you then commit A, B will be marked as ‘autocommitting’. Because of this, committing B in the before- or after-commit event of A will fail, as it expects A to already exist in the database, which is not yet the case. (Tickets 59099, 59288)
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • For Atlas-based apps, it is not possible to use the Generate page functionality for buttons in the Tablet and Phone profiles. The Create Page dialog box shows no selectable page templates for these profiles.


Release date: July 12, 2017

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Export Mappings

We introduced a new way of getting Mendix objects in export mappings: from parameter.

This has always been the default (unseen) value for the root element, but it can now be chosen anywhere in the mapping. As a result, the input to an export mapping may be a list of Mendix objects (whereas before, it always had to be a single Mendix object).


  • We fixed the ability to use a client certificate for a web or REST service that has a server certificate signed by a non-standard authority. (Tickets 52427, 52937)
  • We fixed the default sort order for drop-down search fields in grids to be the selected attribute path. (Ticket 53810)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when a logout from a hybrid app would be stuck with a loader.
  • We fixed the exception that occurred during the creation of a web service user when project security was disabled. (Ticket 53128)
  • We now populate the Size attribute of file documents without commit events. (Ticket 54099)
  • We fixed an issue when a redirect from a normal index page to index-rtl (for right-to-left languages) failed.
  • We fixed the lifecycle for widgets inside conditionally hidden containers (they were not being destroyed properly, which led to performance issues). (Ticket 53719)
  • When a conditionally visible widget was re-displayed, it displayed stale values. We fixed this for you. (Tickets 52466, 53719)
  • We fixed downloading FileDocuments (images) from S3, which also broke Mendix Cloudv v4. (Ticket 54304)

Known Issues

  • In some situations, an object associated to another object cannot be committed during the execution of a before/after commit event, resulting in an error such as “Object of type ‘MyModule.MyEntity’ with guid ‘12345’ cannot be updated, as it does not exist anymore.” For example, consider two new objects A and B, wherein A (parent) is associated with B (child) and A has a before- or after-commit event. In this event, B will be changed and committed. If you then commit A, B will be marked as ‘autocommitting’. Because of this, committing B in the before- or after-commit event of A will fail, as it expects A to already exist in the database, which is not yet the case. (Tickets 59099, 59288)
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • The Mendix Web Modeler is not enabled when you create an Atlas UI-based app in the Mendix Desktop Modeler.
  • For Atlas-based apps, it is not possible to use the Generate page functionality for buttons. The Create Page dialog box shows no selectable page templates for these profiles.