
Last modified: May 28, 2024


Release date: November 16, 2018

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  • Startup was slowed down due to a password strength check that was done too aggressively to user accounts. This has been resolved. (Ticket 76176)

Known Issues

  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • In some cases, while doing an error check, the progress bar starts moving and does not stop. This is a user interface problem, as the error check itself finishes properly. (Ticket 69295)
  • There is a problem where it is not possible to commit after merging a branch. (Tickets 78468, 78322, 79166, 78542, 76785, 77955, 77245)
  • For call web service actions (via the new implementation) and call REST service actions, the (native) memory increases indefinitely, which causes the application to run out of memory eventually. (Ticket 77000)
  • There is an issue when a microflow called from a pop-up window first rolls back the object that is the context of the page and that has not been committed yet and then closes the page. This can result in a JavaScript error and the page becoming unresponsive. (Ticket 70111)


Release date: October 25, 2018

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Productivity Improvements

  • When you rename a domain model entity, related associations will now be renamed automatically. In this way, association names stay up to date with the new entity name.

  • We made it easier to autocomplete expressions by adding fuzzy search. Type a couple of the characters you are looking for, and autocomplete will show the best matches. Some small changes were made to the ordering of results, so better results should now be on top. The Tab key is now supported for inserting text.

  • The Find Results pane now supports the “limit to current tab” functionality. The behavior is similar to the Errors pane functionality. The search results react to the changing of the active tab if the Limit to current tab button is checked.

  • The Changes pane now supports multi-select, so you can quickly revert multiple changes and resolve multiple conflicts.

  • Stories created from feedback can now refer to a document and you can quickly jump to that document from the Stories pane. This used to work for pages only, but now it also works for other documents (such as microflows).

  • It is now possible to convert the type of similar input widgets in one click (Text box <-> Text area, Radio buttons <-> Checkbox, Drop down <-> Radio buttons).

Call a Microflow and Nanoflow Improvements

This release brings two major improvements to the Call a microflow and Call a nanoflow actions, yay! These improvements also apply to microflow and nanoflow data sources. The improvements are detailed below.

Using the Same or Derived Entity Parameter Objects

Before this release, using the same or derived entity parameter objects for microflows or nanoflows was not allowed in the Desktop Modeler, because this resulted in a consistency check error.

From now on, when you have the same or derived entity parameter objects, a drop-down menu will be displayed in the parameter mapping allowing you to select which widget should feed its object (or objects) to that specific parameter. By default, the parameter closest to the widget executing the action will be selected.

Using More Than Two Parameter Objects

In previous versions, the available parameter objects when calling a microflow or nanoflow were limited to the context entity and the enclosing context entity (for example, the selection from a data grid and the object from an enclosing data view).

This release lifts this restriction, as you can now go up the hierarchy of widgets as far as you like. For instance, if you have four nested data views, you can map objects from all four data views as microflow or nanoflow parameters. By default, all parameters are mapped automatically to the available widgets. When there are multiple options, a drop-down menu will be shown, from which you can select the desired option.

More Automatic Refresh in Client

Sometimes the client receives updates for objects as a result of microflow actions (such as change and rollback) even if Refresh in client is not set. We now make use of this and actually show this information in the UI to keep it current. This also means that delete actions will always update data views. (Ticket 57734)

Published and Consumed Service Improvements

New Features

  • We introduced the new custom setting com.mendix.storage.PerformDeleteFromStorage. With this setting, you can configure whether files should be removed in the underlying storage service when a FileDocument has been deleted. When set to false, files will not be deleted. The default value is true. (Ticket 64517)
  • We deprecated the custom setting com.mendix.storage.s3.PerformDeleteFromStorage in favor of the more widely applicable setting com.mendix.storage.PerformDeleteFromStorage, which has the same meaning for all storage services, including the local file system.
  • We added support for the languages: Khmer, Cambodia; Lao, Laos; Myanmar (Burmese), Myanmar; Vietnamese, Vietnam; and Welsh, Wales. To support all the newly introduced languages, we unified the fonts used across the editors in the Desktop Modeler (domain model editor, microflow editor, page editor, etc.). (Ticket 59405)
  • We upgraded the dependent jackson-databind.jar to version 2.9.6.
  • We added support for SQL Server 2017.


  • We fixed an issue about a version selector crash that occurred while extracting .mpk files. (Ticket 68263)
  • We reverted the change for improving microflow execution and commit actions by not removing save points, because that caused some databases to run out of limits (for example, out-of-memory on Postgres with the hint to increase max_locks_per_transaction). (Tickets 68224, 68847)
  • We adjusted Eclipse runtime console so it looks better on high DPI displays. (Ticket 50158)
  • We fixed the autocomplete filtering. Previously, it matched the text that you can insert as well as extra information. Now it only matches the text you can insert. (Ticket 67723)
  • When searching, you can now also find text that is inside domain model annotations. (Ticket 50741)
  • We fixed the [%BeginOfCurrentDay%] value for time zones where the current day is different from the day within the server time zone. (Tickets 52749, 63187, 64246, 65196, 68181, 69401)
  • Inline styles with an !important modifier or custom CSS properties were not applied for the Text widget, the Page title widget, all the Button widgets, and the Sign-out button widget. This has been fixed. (Ticket 67520)
  • When creating a Sign-in button widget, it received an incorrect default value for the Validation message widget property. We fixed this.
  • We fixed an issue where creating a page template from an existing page did not correctly clear the references, resulting in consistency errors.
  • We now show which list view template is selected in the View mode of the page editor.
  • We fixed a bug where attempting to “cut” a widget you had just pasted caused an error.
  • We fixed an issue where data retrieval using an access rule with a long path constraint failed. (Ticket 66108)
  • We updated the following JDBC drivers:
    • Mariadb/Mysql 1.5.9 -> 2.3.0
    • SQL Server 6.1.0 -> 7.0.0
    • PostgreSQL 42.1.4 -> 42.2.5
  • We fixed Datastorage.executeWithConnection(IContext, Function<Connection, R>) so that when its function parameter returns null, it will no longer fall back and be run on a new connection. (Ticket 68543)
  • We fixed an issue where validation feedback returned from an asynchronous microflow call was not displayed in the UI when using Internet Explorer. (Tickets 66178, 66759)
  • We fixed an issue where a data grid did not show the value of an attribute over a reference of the grid entity if the value of the reference had been modified in the client. (Ticket 65269)
  • We fixed a performance issue where certain actions—like opening a page or calling a microflow on a page containing a lot of widgets—were slow. (Ticket 68577)
  • We fixed an issue where users were unable to input Japanese text on a Java action material’s Documentation tab. (Ticket 61288)
  • We fixed an issue where users were able to select duplicate specializations for an inheritance split. (Ticket 68017)
  • We fixed an issue where a nanoflow’s Allowed roles did not update when module security roles were changed. (Ticket 67926)
  • We fixed an issue where the Modeler’s autocomplete expression editor did not filter correctly. (Ticket 67723)
  • We fixed an issue where a microflow property was missing from the Properties dialog box in Desktop Modeler version 7.15.1. (Ticket 65119)
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services where having a path parameter and an import mapping that did not take a path parameter threw an error.
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services where a trace log for an absent header parameter would log that it was a query parameter.
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services where using different casing in the name of a path parameter and the path did not throw a consistency error.
  • We fixed an issue in the call web service action where the selected export mapping for a SOAP request body was not saved to the model.
  • We fixed an issue in the call REST service action where connections closed after 5 seconds of inactivity.
  • The behavior of the Go to button in the Changes in model tab of the History dialog box is now consistent with that of the same button in the Changes pane. It now allows you to go to newly created documents as well. (Ticket 64235)
  • We fixed the issue that model changes were visually missing in the Commit and History dialog boxes if you did not manually save before committing. (Tickets 54140, 64841, 67037, 66698)
  • We fixed an issue where the Modeler silently crashed when merging a branch. Unfortunately, in some projects, this fix may lead to having to resolve a conflict on the svn:ignore property manually with TortoiseSVN. (Ticket 67502)
  • The Desktop Modeler can now handle a cursor blink rate of None. (Reported through the Mendix Community)
  • If branches cannot be retrieved in the Open App dialog box, we now present details of what went wrong. (Ticket 68025)
  • We fixed an issue where the Modeler refused to merge back branches based on a tag created by the Developer Portal. (Ticket 64563)
  • We fixed an issue where a numeric type attribute was compared with a parameterized stringified value and threw a database exception. (Ticket 69811)

Known Issues

  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • In some cases, while doing an error check, the progress bar starts moving and does not stop. This is a user interface problem, as the error check itself finishes properly. (Ticket 69295)
  • There is a problem where it is not possible to commit after merging a branch. (Tickets 78468, 78322, 79166, 78542, 76785, 77955, 77245)
  • For call web service actions (via the new implementation) and call REST service actions, the (native) memory increases indefinitely, which causes the application to run out of memory eventually. (Ticket 77000)
  • There is an issue when a microflow called from a pop-up window first rolls back the object that is the context of the page and that has not been committed yet and then closes the page. This can result in a JavaScript error and the page becoming unresponsive. (Ticket 70111)
  • Startup is significantly slower than usual due to a password strength check that checks user accounts too aggressively. Apps with more than 1000 named users are strongly recommended to not upgrade until a fix is released. (Ticket 76176)