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Last modified: April 18, 2024

Tables can be used to lend structure to a page. They contain a number of rows and columns, the intersection of which is called a cell. Each cell can contain widgets.

Cells can be merged horizontally and vertically to allow for asymmetric lay-outs. To merge cells the cell you wish to merge to must be empty. A merge can then be initiated either in a cell’s context menu or by clicking the merge button that will automatically appear if you select an eligible cell.

Tables can be selected by clicking the white square in the upper-left corner.

Tables allow for a number of keyboard interactions. Examples include navigating between rows and columns with the cursor keys and copy(ctrl+c)/pasting(ctrl+v) rows and cells.

Common properties


The internal name of the widget. You can use this to give sensible names to widgets. The name property also appears in the generated HTML: the widget DOM element automatically includes the class mx-name-{NAME}, which can be useful for Selenium testing.


The class property allows you to specify one or more cascading style sheet (CSS) classes for the widget. The classes should be separated by a space. The classes will be applied to the widget in the browser and the widget will get the corresponding styling. The classes should be classes in the theme that is used in the project. It overrules the default styling of the widget.

Styling is applied in the following order:

  1. the default styling defined by the theme the project uses
  2. the Class property of the widget
  3. the Style property of the widget.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the class or style property by clicking the Show styles button.

Location and effect of the Show styles button


The style property allows you to specify additional CSS styling. If a class is also specified, this styling is applied after the class.

For example:

background-color:lightblue; color:red;

will result in red text on a blue background.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the style or class property by clicking the Show styles button.

General properties

Width Unit

The width unit specifies the unit of the specified column widths (see property ‘Column Widths’ below). There are two possible values for the unit:

Value Description
Percentage Column widths are expressed as percentages of the available width. When resizing, columns will become wider/narrower while keeping the same relative widths.
Pixels Column widths are expressed as pixels. Optionally, some columns can have width ‘auto’ and those columns evenly divide the rest of the space. When resizing, the pixel width columns will keep the same size; auto columns will become wider/narrower.

Default value: Percentage

Column Widths

The column widths property describes the widths of each of the columns as a list of numbers separated by semi-colons. The unit (see above) determines what these numbers mean: percentages or pixels. In the case of pixels, ‘auto’ is also a valid value for the width of a column. Auto columns evenly divide space that remains after giving the pixel width columns their desired width.


Widths Unit Description
30;70 Percentage Two columns of which the first is 30% and the second is 70%
20;200;auto Pixels Three columns of which the first is 20 pixels wide, the second is 200 pixels and the last one is ‘auto’ which means that it will take up the rest of the space.

Visibility properties


By default, whether or not an element is displayed in the browser is determined by how the page is designed and the user’s roles within the application. However, the page can be configured to hide the element unless a certain condition is met.


The widget can be made visible only if the object of the data view that contains the widget satisfies the specificied criteria.

A practical example would be a web shop in which the user must submit both billing and delivery information. In this case, you might not wish to bother the user with a second set of address input fields unless they indicate that the billing address and delivery address are not the same. You can accomplish this by making the delivery address fields conditionally visible based on the Boolean attribute SameBillingAndDeliveryAddress.

Based on Attribute Value

When selected, this shows the widget while a particular attribute has a certain value. Only boolean and enumeration attributes can be used for this purpose.

Based on Expression

Added in Mendix 7.1.

When selected, this shows the widget while a provided expression evaluates to true. The object of the containing data view is available inside an expression as a $currentObject variable.

Note that the expression is evaluated in the browser, and hence, we advise against using “secret” values (like access keys) in it. In particular, we disallow usages of constants. Also, client-side expressions currently do not support all the functions that are available in the microflows. Please refer to an autocomplete list to know what functions are supported in your version.

Module Roles

The widget can be made visible to a subset of the user roles available in your application. When activated, this setting will render the widget invisible to all users that are not linked to one of the selected user roles.