Feedback API – Version 1

Last modified: June 14, 2024

1 Introduction

The Mendix Feedback API allows you to retrieve, add, and manage feedback for your Mendix apps.

To use the API, you need to set up a Consumed Web Service using the WDSL for this service, available here: Get WSDL. You can find out how to do this in How to Consume a Complex Web Service.

The actions in the feedback API can then be called in a microflow using the Call web service action. This is described in the Studio Pro Guide here: Call Web Service Action.

2 API Calls

2.1 AcceptFeedback

This call accepts the specified feedback item. This means that the app team has accepted the feedback and added this feedback as a story to the Sprint.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
FeedbackItemID Integer/Long The ID of the Feedback item to be accepted
appID String The ID of the app
  • Return value – Boolean

2.2 AddFeedback

This call adds a new feedback item to the app and returns the ID of the new feedback item.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
Description String Description of the feedback item. (Optional)
IssueType Enumeration IssueType Type of the feedback item (Question/Idea/Problem)
ProjectID String The ID of the app.
Shortname String The name of the feedback item.
UserEmail String Email address of the user who created the feedback item.
Username String Name of the user who created the feedback item.
  • Return value – Integer/Long

2.3 CloseFeedback

This call closes the specified feedback item.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
FeedbackItemID Integer/Long The id of the feedback item being closed.
ProjectID String The ID of the app.
Reason String Reason why the feedback item is being closed (Optional)
  • Return value – Enumeration IssueState (see below for possible values)

2.4 DeleteFeedback

This call deletes the specified feedback item.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
FeedbackItemID Integer/Long The ID of the Feedback item to be deleted
ProjectID String The ID of the app.
  • Return value – Boolean

2.5 GetFeedbackItems

This call retrieves a list of all feedback items for the app which satisfy the IssueState filter.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
IssueStateFilter Enumeration IssueState State of the Feedback items to be retrieved (Open, Under_review, Accepted, Scheduled, Solved, Rejected; empty returns all feedback for the app).
ProjectID String The ID of the app.
  • Return value – List of Issue

2.6 GetSingleFeedbackItem

This call retrieves a single feedback item by ID.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
ApiKey String The ApiKey the application uses to access the Feedback API for this app.
FeedbackItemID Integer/Long The ID of the Feedback item to be retrieved
ProjectID String The ID of the app.
  • Return value – Issue