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Export Mapping Action

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

With the Export Mapping action, you can export the data stored in domain model entities into an XML document, JSON document, or string variable.

2 Action Properties

2.1 Export Mapping

The Export Mapping action defines in which way the data in the domain model corresponds with the XML schema or JSON structure.

2.2 Parameter Type

If the export mapping requires an input, this field shows the type of the input.

2.3 Parameter

If the export mapping requires an input, you can select a variable of the correct type.

2.4 Content Type

If the export mapping is based on a message definition, it can export both XML and JSON. Choose which type of output you want.

3 Validation Properties

3.1 Validate Against Schema

This determines whether the export action should validate the outgoing XML against the schema (XSD).

Setting this to yes can greatly decrease performance!

Default value: No

3.2 Optional and Nillable

Elements in a schema can be optional (minOccurs=0) and/or nillable. When an empty value for an element is encountered, the server will check the schema to decide whether to exclude the element (optional) or send the element with a nil attribute (nillable). In case an empty value is encountered but the element is not optional or nillable, the server will throw an exception, which you need to handle yourself in the microflow. This will occur regardless of the XML validation settings. It is recommended to make sure the data that is being exported is valid according to the schema.

4 Output Properties

There are two methods of storing the result of an Export Mapping action:

  • Inside a ‘System.FileDocument’
  • Inside a string variable