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Special checks

Last modified: February 2, 2023

Checking for an Empty Object


An object.

Type: Any type of object.


Returns whether the object is empty.

Type: Boolean.

$object1 = empty

Assuming $object1 is a domain entity and that currently exists, this statement will return False. Conversely, if the object does not currently exist (which is possible if you try to retrieve a non-existent object), it will return True.

The same holds for when $object1 is a variable (such as Integer, String etc).

Checking for an Empty Object Member


A member (attribute or association) of an object.

Type: Any type of member.


Whether the attribute is empty.

Type: Boolean.

$object1/member1 = empty

Assuming $object1 is an domain entity and that it has a member called ‘member1’, the following table illustrates what this statement will return:

member1 has a value member1 does not have a value
$object1 has a value false true
$object1 has no value N/A true

Checking Whether an Object Is New


An object.

Type: Any type of object.


Returns whether the object is new (created but not yet committed). Note this only holds when this function is called on the variable which represents the created object. When the object is retrieved from the database isNew will always yield false.

Type: Boolean.


Checking Whether an Object Is Synced


An object.

Type: Any type of object.


Returns whether the changes done to the object offline have been synchronized to the runtime database. In web profiles and hybrid profiles without offline support, this always returns true.

Type: Boolean.
