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Report Grid

Last modified: June 29, 2022

This shows the reported data in a grid.

Data Source Properties

Data Set

This is the dataset that determines the data that will be shown in the report grid.

General Properties

Use Paging

If the expected quantity of the data is too large to be displayed at once, Use Paging should be true so that the data is distributed over different pages.

Page Size

If Use Paging is true, this property indicates the number of occurrences that is displayed on one page.


This property can refer to a form. When the user double-clicks an occurrence in the report, that form is displayed.

If the other form contains a report, the columns of the current report can be mapped to the parameters of the report in the other form.

Column Widths

The widths of the columns are expressed as a percentage of the total width of the basic report. You can edit this property by dragging the border between the columns.

Show Export Button

If this property is true, the Export to Excel button will be available for the user on the report grid.

Generate Report on Page Load

If this property is false, the report grid will not show its data until the user presses the Report Button. This is especially useful if the report uses parameters that should be specified by the user.

Common Properties

Name, Class, Style

For details, see Common Widget Properties.