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Branch Line Manager Dialog

Last modified: August 2, 2022

1 Introduction

Use this dialog box to create and delete branch lines of an application that is stored on a version control server.

A branch line allows independent development from other development lines. There are two main reasons for creating a branch line:

  • To do maintenance development in the branch line on a version of your app that is running in production, while still keeping on developing in the main line
  • To start developing a very large feature that will take more than a day to develop in the branch line, without disturbing other development in the main line

2 Location

Use this setting to select the location where your app is stored. This can be either the Team Server or another SVN server.

2.1 Mendix Team Server

Select the Team Server app of which you want to manage the branch lines. If you have an app open in the Desktop Modeler it will be selected automatically. However, you can also manage branch lines without opening an app first, in which case no app will be selected.

For more information, see Team Server.

2.2 Other SVN Server

In the SVN repository address field, enter the address of the app you want to manage and click Connect to load the available branches from the repository.

3 Creating Branch Lines

You can create a new branch line by clicking New above the list of branch lines. This will show a new dialog box where you can specify the properties of the new branch.

For more information, see Create Branch Line Dialog.

4 Deleting Branch Lines

You can delete existing branch lines by selecting them and then clicking Delete.