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Exclusive Split

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

An exclusive split is an element that makes a choice based on a condition and follows (exactly) one of the outgoing sequence flows.

2 Action Properties

2.1 Type

Type defines whether an expression or a rule is used to define the condition of the split.

Option Description
Expression An expression is used to define the conditions for the direction.
Rule A rule is used to define the conditions for the direction.

2.2 Expression

If the property ‘Type’ is set to ‘Expression’ the expression field can be used to define the condition of the split. The condition can be entered as an expression. The expression should result in a boolean or an enumeration.

2.3 Rule

If the property ‘Type’ is set to ‘Rule’, a rule can be selected to define the condition of the split. For each parameter of the rule an argument needs to be specified using expressions. For example, a rule that determines whether a customer deserves a certain status will have a customer object as a parameter.

3 Common Properties

3.1 Caption

See Microflow Element Common Properties.