Mendix 7 is no longer supported unless you have Extended Support. Mendix 7 documentation will remain available until July 2024.

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Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

Layouts specify what comes where. Each page is based on a layout. The layout contains widgets and structures that return on every page based on that layout. For example, it is common to put a menu bar widget in a layout so that the menu is visible on all pages.

A layout consists of content and placeholders. The content is everything that should be present in every page that uses the layout, from navigation bars to sign-out buttons. Placeholders are empty areas that later form the working area for any pages that make use of the layout. The layout content remains the same in every page, but the placeholders cover what is unique to every individual page.

Layouts can be based on other layouts, in which case the generic layout is referred to as the primary layout. If a layout has a primary layout, it can use the placeholders defined in the primary layout to create a more specialized configuration. If a page is based on this specialized layout, it makes use of the placeholders defined in the new layout, ignoring those of the primary layout.

This chain can be as long as is necessary, with a generic layout used throughout the project as a primary layout for a more specific data input layout which is, in turn, used as a primary layout for a specialized edit user layout.

When opening a new page in the browser, the content found in the layouts is not reloaded if the layout is re-used by the new page. That is, if a user transitions from page A to page B, both of which use layout X, the placeholder content is refreshed, but the layout content is unaffected. This allows for navigation between pages without losing valuable input or performing a costly refresh on elements that do not require one. Example scenarios include a tab container that does not require the user to select the correct tab every time a new page is opened, or a sidebar menu with user input that should not be cleared after every single refresh.

Mendix will intelligently detect if pages share a layout, so no user input is required. This also applies for nested layouts. If two pages have different layouts but those layouts share a common primary layout, the sub-layout will reload, but the primary layout will remain static.

2 Placeholder Management

A layout contains one or more placeholders. One of these placeholders must be named Main, and it can be differentiated from the others by a darker shade of blue. Unlike most other widgets, the name of a placeholder carries a special significance. When a user switches a page from one layout to another, the placeholder names will be used to map the content of the page to the new layout. For every placeholder that has content in the current layout, the Modeler will search for a placeholder with the same name in the new one. As the Main placeholder is mandatory, the user can always be assured that at least some of the page content will be salvaged. Any content found in placeholders not present in the new layout will be moved above the canvas, where it can easily be redistributed over the new placeholders.

The placeholder naming scheme also has an impact on page templates. When creating a new page, the template will map its content based on the names of the placeholders in its preview layout. Consequently, a template might describe the content for a placeholder that is not available in the selected layout. To prevent this, a compatible layout is automatically pre-selected when clicking a page template in the create new page dialog. If an incompatible layout is then selected manually, all the content for the missing placeholders will be discarded.

As a consequence of this behavior, user experience can be improved significantly if all of a project’s layouts adhere to the same or a similar naming scheme. This will ensure layouts can be alternated freely without having to consider the effect on the content of each individual placeholder.

3 Common Properties


The name of the document. You can change the name via the Project Explorer.


This property can be used to store developer documentation. End-users will never see this documentation.


The class property allows you to specify one or more cascading style sheet (CSS) classes that apply to the entire document and its contents. The classes should be separated by a space. The classes will be applied in the browser and can affect how a page is rendered. The classes should be classes in the project’s theme.

Styling is applied in the following order:

  1. the default styling defined by the theme the project uses
  2. the Class property of the widget
  3. the Style property of the widget.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the class or style property by clicking the Show styles button.

Location and effect of the Show styles button


The style property allows you to specify additional CSS styling. If a class is also specified, this styling is applied after the class.

For example:

background-color:lightblue; color:red;

will result in red text on a blue background.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the style or class property by clicking the Show styles button.

4 Designer Properties

Canvas Width

The canvas width property defines the width in pixels of the page in the page editor. It is purely used for editing purposes; this property has no effect on the actual application.

Default value: 800

Canvas Height

The canvas height property defines the preferred minimum height in pixels of the page in the page editor. It is purely used for editing purposes; this property has no effect on the actual application.

Default value: 600

5 General Properties

5.1 Master Layout

This property specifies the primary layout on which the layout is based. If no primary layout is specified, the layout contains a single widget (for example, a scroll container) that defines the structure of pages based on this layout. If a primary layout is specified, this layout fills the gaps defined by the primary layout. You can introduce new gaps in this layout by using placeholders.

5.1 Layout Type

Every layout has a layout type, which determines the purpose of the layout and how a page using the layout is opened.

Layout Type Description
Responsive Use this layout for pages that will work fine on all types of devices. The layout grid and other widgets make it possible to create responsive pages.
Tablet specific Use this layout for pages on a tablet if the responsive option is not sufficient (for example, if different use cases with different user interfaces have to be supported).
Phone specific Use this layout for pages on a phone if the responsive option is not sufficient (for example, if different use cases with different user interfaces have to be supported).
Modal pop-up Use this layout for pages that should appear as modal pop-up windows.
Pop-up Use this layout for pages that should appear as modeless pop-up windows.

6 Page Generation Properties

6.1 Main Placeholder

This property defines the placeholder in which the Modeler places the page content when generating a page. For example, when you generate an edit page for the edit button of a data grid, the resulting page will contain a data view in the gap of the main placeholder.

6.2 Save Button Placeholder

This property defines the placeholder in which the Modeler places the save button when generating a page. If no save button placeholder is defined, the save button is placed in the data view control bar if possible.

6.3 Cancel Button Placeholder

This property defines the placeholder in which the Modeler places the cancel button when generating a page. If no save button placeholder is defined, the cancel button is placed in the data view control bar if possible.