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Import Project Package

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

To create a new app from a Mendix project package (.mpk) file, you need to import an app package. The new app can either be stored in a version control server or locally on disk.

To open this dialog box, go to File > Import App Package, browse to the .mpk file, and then open it.

2 Where Should We Store Your App?

Use this setting to select the location where you want to store your app. This can be the Mendix Team Server, a private server (an SVN server other than the Team Server), or a local disk.

2.1 Mendix Team Server

When uploading the app to the Mendix Team Server, you can choose between creating a new repository or uploading to an existing one.

2.1.1 New Mendix Team Server

If you select this option, a new Team Server repository will be created to store the app. You need to enter the name for the new Team Server app and repository in the App name field.

2.1.2 Existing Mendix Team Server

If you select this option, the app will be uploaded to an existing Team Server repository. You need to select the repository in the Team Server App drop-down list.

2.2 Private Server

If you select this option, the app will be stored on a private server. You need to enter the App repository address to which you want to upload your app.

2.3 Locally on Disk

If you select this option, the app will be stored on the local disk of the computer that is running Desktop Modeler.

3 Disk Location

In the Project directory field, specify the directory where the project files of the app will be stored. If version control is enabled, the suggested name includes ends with -main to indicate this will be the main development line of the app.

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