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Import Excel Documents

Last modified: June 26, 2024

1 Introduction

Adding large amounts of data to your application, for example rootdata or data from an external application, can be very time consuming. In order to save time and effort, this process can be automated by using the ‘Excel Importer’ module. In this How-to you will setup import templates, and import data into your application by using the ‘Excel Importer’.

2 Prerequisites

Before starting this how-to, make sure you know how to do the following:

3 Preparing the Data Structure, GUI, and Modules

Before you can start importing data into your application, you first need to set up the data structure and GUI.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create the following domain model.

    The ‘XLSFile’ object inherits from the ‘Filedocument’ object. If you don’t know how to achieve this, please take a look at How to Work with Images and Files.

  2. Create Overview and Detail pages to manage objects of type Customer and Order.

  3. Create menu items to access the Order and the Customer overview pages.

  4. Download the Excel Importer and Mx Model Reflection modules from the appstore.

  5. Create menu items for the ExcelImportOverview and the MxObjects_Overview pages. Those pages already exist within the _USE_ME folders of the downloaded modules.

  6. Configure the Administrator user role to have the Configurator module role for the Excel Importer module, and the ModelAdministrator module role for the Mx Model Reflection module.

4 Preparing the Logic for the Data Import

As an enumeration is used for the OrderStatus attribute, a microflow needs to be created to determine the enumeration value of the attribute based on the input from the Excel file.

  1. Create the following microflow and name it IVK_ParseStatus.

  2. Set the Return value as follows:

    if $Unformatted = 'open' then MyFirstModule.OrderStatus.Open
    else if $Unformatted = 'processing' then MyFirstModule.OrderStatus.Processing
    else if $Unformatted = 'complete' then MyFirstModule.OrderStatus.Complete
    else MyFirstModule.OrderStatus.Complete
  3. Save the microflow.

5 Using the Application Model Metadata in the Client

In order to set up import templates for importing data, your application model meta data should be reflected in the client. This can be achieved by using Mx Model reflection. In this part of the How-to you will learn to do so.

  1. Click Run Locally to start your application:

  2. Click View to open your application in the browser:

  3. Log in as an Administrator.

  4. Click on the menu item for the MxObjects_Overview in your navigation.

  5. Select the module that contains the objects you want to use in your client, by clicking on the box to the left of it. In this case MyFirstModule .

  6. Click on the arrows next to Synchronize all entities and microflows of checked modules on the left.

  7. Now the two objects and the parse microflow from the module MyFirstModule can be seen and used in the client.

6 Creating the Import Templates

Before you can import data from an Excel File into your application, you have to first setup an import template. In this template you will configure which objects the data should be mapped to, if an object is associated to another object, from which row of the Excel File the import should start and which columns should be imported.

In this how-to, you will import data from a simple Excel file which can be downloaded here:

Based on the structure of the file you want to import, you will setup your template.

  1. Click on the menu item for the ExcelImportOverview in your navigation.

  2. Click on New Template.

  3. Determine the name of the template.

  4. Click on the arrow next to the Mendix object box.

  5. Select the Customer object.

  6. Click on the arrow next to Reference to import objects box.

  7. Select the MyFirstModule.Customer_XLSFile association.

  8. Set Import Action to Synchronize objects.

  9. Under the Connect columns to attributes section, click New to create a mapping from the Excel sheet column to the proper Mendix attribute.

  10. Add the column number, this should correspond with the column number from the value on the Excel file you want to map

  11. Define the Excel column header as the Caption value.

  12. Choose Attribute as a type.

  13. Click on the arrow next to the Attribute box.

  14. Select the attribute you want to map the Excel value to.

  15. Repeat steps 9 to 14 for each attribute of the Customer object.

  16. For the mapping of attribute Name set the key value to Yes, to prevent a customer from being duplicated.

  17. After creating all the mappings for the Customer object attributes, also create mappings for the Order object attributes by repeating steps 9 to 11. Because the Order object is associated to the Customer object, the mapping setup will be slightly different. The additional steps are discribed below.

  18. Choose Reference instead of Attribute as a type.

  19. Click on the arrow next to the Reference box, here you will select over which association the Order is linked to the Customer.

  20. Select the Customer_Order association.

  21. Click on the arrow next to the Attribute box.

  22. Select the Number attribute form the Order object.

  23. Click Save.

  24. Repeat steps 17 to 23 for each attribute of the Order object.

  25. For the mapping of attribute Number set the key value to**‘Yes, only for the associated object**, to prevent orders being duplicated.

  26. For the mapping of attribute OrderStatus the Excel file value needs to be parsed to an enumeration value. To achieve this we can use the IVK_ParseStatus microflow, created under 2.0, by clicking on the arrow next to the Parse with box.

  27. Select the IVK_ParseStatus microflow.

  28. Click Save.

  29. Save the Import Template.

7 Importing the Excel File

Now the template is setup you can start importing data from an Excel file into your application. You can use the example file downloadable under 4 Create Import Templates

  1. Click on the menu item for the ExcelImportOverview in your navigation.

  2. Go to the Import Files tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. Select the template you just created.

  5. Click Browse.

  6. Select the example Excel file from your local drive.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Select the Import file.

  9. Click Import file.

  10. Check if the data is imported under the menu items you created in chapter 1 step 3.

8 Creating the Import Templates by the Excel File

In the previous steps you have manually added all the columns to your import template. In this section you will be creating the same Excel template in an automated way. You can do this by using the New template by excelfile button at the Normal templates tab. An example Excel file can be downloaded here:

  1. Click on the menu item for the ExcelImportOverview in your navigation.

  2. Click on **New template by excelfile

  3. Select the Import Example.xlsx

  4. Define the sheet number.

  5. Define the Header row nr.

  6. Define the row to import from.

  7. Click on ‘Save & next’.

  8. Automatically a row is created for every header of the Excel file.

  9. Select the Customer object type.

  10. Click on Connecting matching attributes.

  11. To complete the template repeat the same actions as performed in chapter 4.

9 Exporting/Importing the Template

Once you have completed an Excel template you can export the template for example from the test environment and import it into the acceptance environment. When exporting and importing this template, the exact template will be uploaded. So columns are generated, the Mendix object is selected, the attributes are connected, and the parse microflows are selected.

  1. Select the Excel template you created in chapter 4.

  2. Click Export template and save the file on your computer

  3. Import the downloaded file by clicking Import template.

  4. Select the downloaded file and click Import.


  5. You have now imported a complete import template.

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