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Test Mendix Applications Using Selenium IDE

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin which records and plays back user interactions with the browser.

After using this how-to, you will know how to do the following:

  • Record test scripts with Selenium IDE
  • Find unique CSS selectors

2 Prerequisites

Before starting with this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisite:

  • Download and install Firefox
  • Download and install Selenium IDE (when Selenium IDE is installed, it is then available as a Firefox plugin)

2.1 Software Versions in This How-To

Software Version Used in This How-To
Firefox 50.1.0
Selenium IDE

3 Installing and Running the Company Expenses App

Follow these steps to install and run the Company Expenses app:

  1. Open the Mendix Destkop Modeler.

  2. Click the Marketplace icon in the top toolbar:

  3. Search for Company Expenses.

  4. Click Company Expenses:

  5. Click Download and then OK. This will open the Company Expenses app in the Modeler.

  6. Click Run Locally (F5).

  7. Click View (F9).

4 Create Your First Automated Test

To create an automated test by using the record button in Selenium IDE, follow these steps:

  1. Open Firefox and go to http://localhost:8080/index.html.

  2. Click the Selenium IDE (DEFAULT RECORDING) icon:

  3. Enter the following login details on the Mendix login screen:

    • User name – Mxadmin
    • Password – 1
  4. Click Sign in.

  5. Click Sign out.

  6. Click record icon in Selenium IDE:

    Selenium IDE should look like this:

  7. Click the “run current test case” icon:

    Every passed test step will be marked green:

Well done! You have just created your first automated test!

4.1 Locate the Element Using Developer Tools

Selenium IDE can be used to record tests scripts, but these scripts usually need to be edited before you can use them (for example, HTML tag IDs are generated dynamically and will be different with each run of the same page).

You need to find the right locator, which will tell Selenium IDE which GUI elements (for example, buttons, text boxes, and data grids) it needs to operate on. To make it easier to create a locator for Mendix elements, mx-name is added to the class of an element. When the position of an element in the form changes, there is no need to rewrite the script.

  1. Press CTRL + N to create a new test case in Selenium IDE.

  2. Click the record icon.

  3. Enter the following login details on the Mendix login screen:

    • User name – Mxadmin
    • Password – 1
  4. Click Sign in.

  5. Click the Expenses tab.

  6. Click New Expense.

  7. Enter 1 in the Amount field.

  8. Select Accomodation in the Description box:

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Sign out.

  11. Click the record icon in Selenium IDE to stop recording.

  12. Click Run current test case. The test will fail because it can not find the element with the target id=mxui_widget_NumberInput_1_input.

    The element with the target id=mxui_widget_NumberInput_1_input does not exist on the page. The number in the ID is not always the same. You need to find another target selector for the same element.

  13. Repeat steps 3 through 6.

  14. Find a unique selector for the Amount field. Mendix uses CSS classes to identify page content like widgets and pop-up windows. You can use these classes in Selenium to manipulate pages and verify data. Widgets can be given a name in the Mendix Modeler. These names appear in the HTML document as class names prefixed by mx-name-. For instance, a grid named EmployeeGrid will get a CSS class mx-name-EmployeeGrid. This is true for all widgets.

  15. Open the Desktop_Expense_NewEdit_Admin page in the Modeler:

  16. Select the Amount field:

    The Name property of the Amount field is textBox6. Every element will automatically get the CSS class mx-name-[Name], so the amount field will have the CSS class mx-name-textBox6.

  17. Enter .mx-name-textBox6 in your developer tools and press Enter. There is only one matching node, so you have now found a unique selector for the Amount field.

  18. Change the value id=_mxui_widget_NumberInput_1_input into input in Selenium. Because it is an input field, you have to add input to the target.

  19. Click Run current test case. The test will fail because it can not find the element with the target input, because the page with the element has not been loaded yet.

  20. Switch the speed control to slow. The speed control determines how fast your test script runs. By default, the speed control is set to the maximum speed. When the test runs too fast, it is possible that the test starts asserting for an element on the page even before the page is fully loaded by the browser. Try to run your test script as fast as possible.

  21. Click Run current test case. The test will fail because it can not find the element with the target

  22. Open the Desktop_Expense_NewEdit_Admin page in the Modeler.

  23. Click the Description box. The name of this box is referenceSelector1 and it will have the CSS class mx-name-referenceSelector1.

  24. Enter .mx-name-referenceSelector1 in your developer tools and press Enter. Two elements should be found: one in the pop-up window and one on the page in the background. To retrieve the element of the active page, you need to add .mx-window-active to the target.

  25. Enter .mx-window-active .mx-name-referenceSelector1 in your developer tools and press Enter. There should only be one matching node, so you have now found a unique selector for the Type box.

  26. Change the value id=mxui_widget_ReferenceSelector_2_input into .mx-name-referenceSelector1 select in Selenium. Because it is a dropdown list, you have to add select to the target.

  27. Click Run current test case. The test will pass.

Congratulations! You have just created your second automated test.

4.2 Installing the Selenium Mendix Locator Builder Plugin

Manually editing a lot of test steps is time-consuming, so Marcel Groenweg created a Selenium plugin for Mendix test recording. When you add the plugin to Selenium IDE, the test steps will have mx-name- CSS selectors rather than the Selenium default. It will also look for parent grids and list views and will add selectors to get the correct row by its index. This reduces the time spent on editing the test steps.

To install the Selenium Mendix Locator Builder plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Download ZIP:

  3. Unzip and open Selenium IDE.

  4. Go to Options > Options.

  5. Click Browse to select a Selenium IDE extension.

  6. Select MendixNameLocatorBuilder.js from the extracted folder.

  7. Click Open and then click OK.

  8. Restart Selenium IDE.

  9. Click Options > Options.

  10. Select the Locator Builders tab.

  11. Drag css:MendixName to the top.

  12. Restart Selenium IDE.

Now the test steps will have mx-name- CSS selectors rather than the Selenium default.

4.3 Creating an Automated Test with the Selenium Mendix Locator Builder Plugin

  1. Open Selenium IDE.

  2. Enter the following login details on the Mendix login screen:

    • User name – Mxadmin
    • Password – 1
  3. Click Sign in.

  4. Select the Expenses tab.

  5. Click New Expense.

  6. Enter 1 in the Amount field.

  7. Select Accomodation in the Description box:

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Sign out.

  10. Click the record icon in Selenium IDE to stop recording.

  11. Click Run current test case. The test will fail because it can not find the element with the target .mx-name-textBox6 input. The element can’t be found, because the page with the element has not been loaded yet.

  12. Switch the speed control to slow. The speed control determines how fast your test script runs. By default, the speed control is set to the maximum speed. When the test runs too fast, it is possible that the test starts asserting for an element on the page even before the page is fully loaded by the browser. Try to run your test script as fast as possible.

  13. Click Run current test case. The test will pass.

5 Read More

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