Model SDK and Platform SDK

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

1.1 Mendix Platform SDK

The Mendix Platform SDK is a TypeScript- & JavaScript-based SDK. You can use it to call Mendix Platform APIs. It also integrates with the Mendix Model SDK for working on temporary online working copies of Mendix projects.

At the moment, the Platform SDK implements the following functionality:

  • Creating a new app
  • Deleting an app
  • Creating a temporary working copy for editing an app model using the Mendix Model SDK
  • Committing the changes to a temporary working copy back to the Mendix Team Server
  • Getting info about a repository, its branches and commits

1.2 Mendix Model SDK

You can use the Mendix Model SDK to work with the model of an app, for example, you can read the model, modify the model, or analyze the model.

2 SDKs

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