Mendix 7 is no longer supported unless you have Extended Support. Mendix 7 documentation will remain available until July 2024.

To upgrade to a supported version, see Moving from Desktop Modeler Version 7 to Studio Pro 8.


Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

Pages define the end-user interface of a Mendix application. Every page is based on a layout. A page fills the “gaps” defined by a layout with widgets such as the data view and data grid.

2 Common Properties


The name of the document. You can change the name via the Project Explorer.


This property can be used to store developer documentation. End-users will never see this documentation.


The class property allows you to specify one or more cascading style sheet (CSS) classes that apply to the entire document and its contents. The classes should be separated by a space. The classes will be applied in the browser and can affect how a page is rendered. The classes should be classes in the project’s theme.

Styling is applied in the following order:

  1. the default styling defined by the theme the project uses
  2. the Class property of the widget
  3. the Style property of the widget.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the class or style property by clicking the Show styles button.

Location and effect of the Show styles button


The style property allows you to specify additional CSS styling. If a class is also specified, this styling is applied after the class.

For example:

background-color:lightblue; color:red;

will result in red text on a blue background.

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the style or class property by clicking the Show styles button.

3 Designer Properties

Canvas Width

The canvas width property defines the width in pixels of the page in the page editor. It is purely used for editing purposes; this property has no effect on the actual application.

Default value: 800

Canvas Height

The canvas height property defines the preferred minimum height in pixels of the page in the page editor. It is purely used for editing purposes; this property has no effect on the actual application.

Default value: 600

4 General Properties

4.1 Title

The title of the page that is shown using the page title widget. If the page is shown in a pop-up window, the title appears in the title bar of the pop-up. The title can be overridden from places where forms are opened to make it possible to reuse a page for different purposes. For example, a grid create button and an edit button can refer to the same page, but they override the titles to New and Edit, respectively.

4.2 Layout

This is the layout on which this page is based.

4.3 URL

The URL of the page can be used to directly navigate to the page (for example, from external links or bookmarks). It will be shown in the address bar of the browser when you visit the page. When navigating to a page without a URL configured, the last visited URL is shown. Note that the full URL of the page will be the base URL of your application followed by /p and then by the configured URL of the page (for example,

Pages with top-level data views (parameterized pages) can also have URLs. The URL property of such pages should contain the {Id} path segment at the end. In the browser, the {Id} segment will be replaced with the actual identifier of an entity.

In simple e-commerce applications, the URLs can be configured as follows:

  • /orders/ – the URL for a page with a data grid for Orders (in a browser, the URL will look like

  • /order/{Id} – the URL for a page with data from a particular Order (actual URLs in a browser will look like, wherein 3212449487634321 is the unique identifier of the Order)

5 Navigation Properties

5.1 Visible For

These are the module roles for which the page is visible. This has an effect on menu widgets and on buttons that are visible only if allowed (for example, the edit button).

For more information, see Module Security.

6 Pop-Up Properties

The pop-up properties are only relevant for pop-up pages (as opposed to content pages).

6.1 Width (Pixels)

This specifies the pop-up width in pixels. When set to 0, the width is determined automatically.

Default value: 0

6.2 Height (Pixels)

Specifies the pop-up height in pixels. When set to 0, the height is determined automatically.

Default value: 0

6.3 Resizable

Specifies whether the pop-up is resizable (Yes) or fixed-size (No).

Default value: Yes

6.4 Close Action

Configures the behavior of the popup close button (the little cross in the upper-right corner). The default behavior of the popup close button is to rollback any changes and close the popup. If you want to customize the behavior of the popup close button, you can point to a button on the page. When the popup close button is clicked, it will then act as if the selected button is clicked. If the selected button is not available the popup close button will revert back to the default behavior.

Default value: Default (cancel)

7 Usage Properties

7.1 Mark as Used

You can search for unused items in the Modeler by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F. Pages that are only used from Java code will be listed as unused, because the Modeler cannot look inside Java source code.

By setting the propery Mark as used to Yes, you specify that the document is used implicitly and the Modeler will no longer list it when searching for unused items.

Default value: No